The Cold Conditions Thread

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A little preview from outdoor @ 70 north..

.. tall pheno






Full report on this grow to come on The AutoFlowerNetwork - The only AutoFlower forum later this fall!


69 crew dont play, when you dont hear from us, thats when u know we're up to smtn :smoke:
Sour 60 went down the drain as has most of my grow so far -hermies and mold. I made some killer hash with my b-bags and then I qwisoed the remains and got some goop (like tar) that looks disgusting but it hits well enough though.

My last hope is with my Typhoons...
too bad piel, sorry about your loss buddy :(

Thanks hookahittah, some are looking better then others ;)

We are getting quite puny yields with most our strains, many are struggling with the low avg temperatures, the buds are fluffy and leafy on most plants. The trichome production is quite good on many girls tho so we are hoping for some hash and some beans in the end. We are pollinating as many as we can with the males we have available so we have some stock beans for next year from strains we know can handle the cold a little better.

Chopped a easyryderXbluerider girl yesterday, it was full of beans by a dieselryder male. The girl had suffered a little from drought and cold so the buds were fluffy like a tropical sativa, like beads on a necklace id say. Lots of trichomes tho, great flavor & a nice high... most beans seems to be mature, could probably have let her go a few days more but oki.. i needed some smoke too :D

peace guys
I think I was overly pessimistic on my last post. The Typhoons are getting fatter by the day and the apple of my eye (I have no idea what it is, a loose seed from the seed box and some sort of indica) is really heavy, might go 100gr...
im glad to hear that piel, really hope you end up with some kind of harvest. Would be strange if you didnt with the strains you are running.

Some thoughts on mold for the general population out there..

The problem with mold in the autoflowers could be related to heat more then moisture. I notice that many of the people that seem to get molded buds have plants that are ripe in july. July would be the warmest month, combine heavy summer rains with 25c temperatures and that would be perfect conditions for mold.

I suspect that if one waits with planting the smaller type autos in the ground until june 1st, so that they do not start flowering until july 1st at the earliest. One would then be looking at a harvest in late august rather then late july. Then one could possibly avoid some of the mold, as the rain that comes in late august is a slower cooler type drizzle usually that maybe doesnt cause as much mold, night temps are also lower.

Also, anything that touches the buds in the late flowering stage will very easily cause mold. Fanleaves that hang down ontop of buds, even just a grass straw that is rubbing up against a bud will very likely cause bud rot or mold outdoors. So pruning the plants and removing drooping and shading fanleaves before the late stages of flowering could have benefitial effects.

peace m8, would love to see some pictures ;)
articsun: My Typhoons are looking wonderful! One is about 2m tall and full of "colas", most of the sidebranch buds are almost as big as the main cola -two months ago I was in despair, now it´s actually looking very good. I cut the apple of my eye the other day and it weighed roughly around a kilo after trimming. The dry weight should be +150gr which is the biggest plant I´ve ever grown.
I planted my S60 in June but what I´ve heard it´s an indoor strain so outdoors won´t work. Your theory about early planting and mold sounds good though. But what about greenhouse growing? The humidity is high and s9o is the heat.
im really glad to hear its paying off for you piel.. keep at it m8

heres a tune dedicated to my cold condition strugglers out there

Okay guys now i have harvested everything from my lat 65 grow, got a nice female russian rocket fuel (wich could have gone a little longer, cut it because of mold risk), an auto assassin and some lemon skunk.

All the other strains turned male and i kept a Cream caramel male to pollinate with the russian rocket fuel and got some seeds so well see how that will turn out next year :)

Im thinking of just planting every seed i got and just let some plants be to see if the seeds sprout for themselves in the spring the year after, like thyphoons can do down in denmark.