The Cold Conditions Thread

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The Sour 60`s are doing very well as are Hollands HopexLR2, my Nepals are great but my Typhoons are atrange -they seem to have hermied and are producing seeds (I think) but I never found any balls. the other thing is that the buds seem to be rotting at an early stage or do seed containing pods turn dark quicker alt. finish quicker? It could be a nutrient defieciency as the budleaves are growing in weird spirals. All my DR´s turned out to be males...BS.
Piel, I see you are growing the S60 (me too), what latitude are you on? (me 65).
Glad those are growing well for you:cool:, mine did fine until now, but its seems that they have had enogh of could and rainy weather, can only wish for some hot summer days with a little wind also so things dry up abit:hump:

( Any1 heard somethings from "norwegian" ):confused:
saufett: I´m on 59-60 lat, the weather has been decent and the rain hasn´t really had a bad effect. The S60´s are really growing, I´d say thet are now about 30cm high and are starting to make buds. I planted six more about a week ago and they all germed so let´s hope they´re all girls.

I mixed up my seeds so it isn´t the Typhoon that´s giving me a hard time it´s the Nepals. Would it be better to just cut them prematurely and maybe make QWISO out of them?
PS I haven´´t seen norwegian for awhile, he´s not on icmag either. Vacation?
hey dudes, hows it going?

we got our thing going up here in the far north but pics will have to wait until its done in the open forums :) hope everyone is having a good season
And then there was rain. Do the calyxes just swell up if they are seeded? The Nepals have really swollen calyxes and they aren´t making colas...weird.
HHH: Theyŕe making seeds alright. Itś a photosensitive strain, they started flowering real early so they shouldn´t have effected my AFś. I looked at the trichs yesterday and some where milky so I don´t want to pull the hermies quite yet, thinking of trying my new buble bags on them or making QWISO. I´m taking my chances on this one... Have you had this problem?

---------- Post added 07-17-2011 at 04:36 PM ----------

Is Norwegian still lost?