The Cold Conditions Thread

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Very interesting stuff articsun! I live around 65N and ive had success in sowing seeds directly into the ground a couple of years ago (non af though). I think this was in late may/early june. I think i will try to plant my seeds just right when the nettles start to sprout, which is in early may when theres still snow in some places, just to see how they manage.

Ive read there was a finding not so long ago from a viking grave in sweden (gotland i believe) where they found cannabis seeds. I think it was from 500-1000 AD or something like that.

I think AFs from LR has a ridicilously short season, i mean my seeds were fully ripe almost 2-3 months before the snow came (pre vegged in my window less than a week), and i think IM pretty far up north :lol:

Do you think the super short flowering period of lowryders has been bred, or was it native in the original plants? The flowering time of Typhoon (which is semi-af, but some are true AF and has a 1-2 months longer flowering time than LRs) seems to be more "fit" to the seasons, at least in the middle- to southern parts of scandinavia.

EDIT: Almost forgot, Tanska who got the Typhoon seeds out on the interwebs has thyphoons running naturally, ie he leaves some plants in the winter and in the spring new seeds pop up by themselves when the snow melts and they start to grow. He lives in denmark though, where the climate is very mild compared to ours.

hey guys, sorry i havent updated this thread in a while...

Tampong, you mention something extremely interesting, and that is that the danish summer seems to be too long and warm for lowryders. I would say this indicates that the auto has its origins in an area even further north then Denmark. Personally i harvested my first auto on august 5th @ 70 north.

Also they grow larger and have higher yields in sweden and finland then in denmark... another important clue.

What else then autos would the 17 century cannabis farmers in the baltic region have grown?

Im going to make an outragious claim, my guess is that autos are remnants of an old far northern landrace variety.. furthermore i think that the ruddies that we see growing feral in the states today was brought there by farmers from the baltic region during the great mass migrations in teh 17th century.

I think autos have been cultivated in teh baltic region for centuries, possibly for milennias. If i was to make a bet on what strain was found in that swedish prehistoric grave, my guess would be an automatic variety!
Another good article :)

Cold - resistance of hemp (Cannabis Sativa L.)
[SIZE=-1]Dr. Sergey Grigoryev[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]Introduction [/SIZE]

[SIZE=-1]The history of hemp cultivation in Russia gives the evidence that low positive temperature is not a limiting factor for this crop cultivation. The main cultivation areas were in Central Russia. But in the North of the country hemp has been cultivated near the Northern Border of Agriculture (66° N, approx.): from Arkhangelsk the northern limit of hemp-cultivation was extended to Mezen, then reached Pechora River (Ust-Tsilma), to Tobolsk Province, Surgut (61° 17'N). Hemp has been cultivated on the Kolyma River (Verhnekolymsk- 65° N, 153° E) [5]. Thus, its possible to discover cold-resistant, early-maturing landraces, well-adapted to severe cold climate with low temperatures in spring-time and short summer within the Cannabis sativa species, which are extremely desirable for breeding. In contrast to many crops, seeds of hemp could germinate under condition of +1° - +2° C. It's reported [4], that under periodically changing temperatures seeds of hemp could germinate faster, in contrast to conditions of constant temperatures. Germinated seeds can withstand frosts up to -5°, -1° C for a period of two weeks, and up to -15° C for 24 hours without damage, but the frost of -5° C during the period of initial growth of young roots and hypocotyl has a depressing influence. Extremely negative influence of low temperatures on germination was registered under conditions of high humidity of soil. Plants in stage from seedlings up to budding easily tolerate frosts about -7° C. But, by the stage of flowering and later low extended temperatures delay the growth of hemp, and easy frost stop it. [/SIZE]

Expedition anyone?! :D
Hey northern growers!
I'm not very experienced grower (only one guerilla crop N60), but I do know that Finnland has a long history of hemp cultivation.
Still after the world war 2 hemp were commonly cultivated for rope and also for medicine all around in Finnland. (Also they used heroine for cough medicine, crazy ones).
Those specific strains or "land race" cannabis genetics are mostly extinct or very hard to find. But I know for sure that some old growers still have some of those aclimatised weeds growing. So all of you Finns should ask from your grandparents if they know anything about that stuff. ;D
I dont know what exactly this guy were growing but at least police destroyed his 1,7ha field and it was tested and found to be potent. He claims that hes family has been growing for generations.
He got 1,5 years in prison. This is a radio interview from prison and the pictures are from this guys fields.
Thank you very much for that info PR!

Finland really is a treasure chest just waiting to be opened imho.. those deep forests are hiding secrets.

Seed collectors and breeders should be aware of Finnish strains.

Your a joy to read Arctic!

Having a wee smokie to myself here and will meander a little if you don't mind.

Been tracking something a little different but your musings on your own Northern culture tie in to some of the hidden ways our peoples have taken. many of these older cultures lived in slightly different timelines to our own modern fantasy and can be hard to pin down.

Always hazy with dates, but the myths and concepts are real enough. Thomas the Rhymer, last of the open line of Border shaman saw a dark force gather over the Land of Scotland. This was at the wedding of the king of the day. Soon after in the Kingdom of Fife Alexander fell from his horse in a storm and so it began. The English took an interest and the wars of independance began, thousand years of shite and it isn't done yet! During the early years the English invaded many times and destroyed all of Scotlands Historical records so as to put forward there real claims of sovereignty to the pope of the day.

However Ireland kept her annals safe during there troubles. The Annals represent the history of that land from the beginning. It jumps so many timelines that the early history is pure myth, true none the less.

It was said by the Irish tales that in the long ago 7 ships arrived from the North in Ireland. these men were Scythians they said. 7 white princes were among them and they told how they were here because a people needed them to come. The Irish told them to go to the land to the north of them, Alba, where the people were waiting. the 7 princes arrived and formed the 7 old provinces. I live in the northern most province, The Province of Cat.

This culture entered into modern history when the romans came to say hallo. Took a while but we got them tae fuck off, dirty bastards that they were. They called us picts, the Cruthni.

The painted people.

All that really exists for modern eyes is some of there stone work and the more famous 'pictish stones' done after the christians got there mucky paws into us. God damn THEM to hell for there meddling.

The place names they left are not Gaelic. They only start to become translatable when using very old finnish languages. Gaelic arrived with the Scots, northern irish moving and intermarrying along the hebridean coast.

In tombs in the Altai, the lines are merging and things that were hidden are reemerging. This Scythian culture tattooed there bodies with creatures that flow like the best Norse, Pictish , Celtic knotwork.

And in there tombs have been found cannabis seeds.

Worth a look- Scythian tattoo mummies

In times before Scotland was farmed to the tops of her mountains in incredible terraced fields and structures within the glens providing the back drop for huge complex constructions of spritual connection. Think like Tibet. A volcano in Iceland obliterated the sun for over a 100 years and the people turned to livestock to survive and the great cattle culture of Scotland began untill the clearances ended this dream in favour of sheep monoculture.

Now this was known to me but I never thought to connect cannabis culture to ancient Scotland till I read you postings here and elsewhere Arctic.

Because your part of the world and mine share connections long before the modern go-a-viking happened.

The western isles today are considered the last bastion of gaelic speakers . But Island gaelic is very diffrent form the all but lost mainland and hebridean gaelic.
This is derived from Irish but the Outer isles, harris lewis,etc speak gaelic that is a form of very old norse. The ancient clans there are connected to the old sea-ways and the Sjo-sami. The Northern isles , the Grey coast and the Western isles were all part of ancient trade routes that flowed up the coast of Norway, to Iceland, Greenland and the Americas. Remember seeing and old inuit man on tv being asked about the vikings arrival there. He said his people remembered and thought they were fine people. When told they were the first to have made the voyage he laughed his head off!

Essentially if they were growing in the North of Norway then they were growing here and i like that!

And as a matter of interset. St Kilda was never touched by the ice age and the people there still told tales of the times before when it was possible to ride by deer across to the mainland. Derided as myth and nonsense scientists now think there may have been land connecting.......pricks!

Interesting times and and no bad thing to bring back some of our older ways of being.

In many things the Scots are very patient. the storm will pass and those dark clouds will be blown clear and maybe we will seen a little sun on those ganja fields again.

i shall fill a bowl and smoke to you all:bong:

Another good article :)

Expedition anyone?! :D

By the way that is a cracking find. low temps for germination. Amazing!

Hey northern growers!
I'm not very experienced grower (only one guerilla crop N60), but I do know that Finnland has a long history of hemp cultivation.
Still after the world war 2 hemp were commonly cultivated for rope and also for medicine all around in Finnland. (Also they used heroine for cough medicine, crazy ones).
Those specific strains or "land race" cannabis genetics are mostly extinct or very hard to find. But I know for sure that some old growers still have some of those aclimatised weeds growing. So all of you Finns should ask from your grandparents if they know anything about that stuff. ;D
I dont know what exactly this guy were growing but at least police destroyed his 1,7ha field and it was tested and found to be potent. He claims that hes family has been growing for generations.
He got 1,5 years in prison. This is a radio interview from prison and the pictures are from this guys fields.

Thats amazing to here about purple rain. Finlands quite a place right enough!
God Dag

I'm a Canadian like Bailer also and I am very interested in the project. I will do anything I can to help or test at my local.

Your English is very good. Did you play junior hockey over here?

The C O L D thread ! :jump: :D :jump:

Ok. cannot wait any more..

Unite people!
Danes, Norwegians, Finns, Swedes, Estonians,
Alaskans - North Russians, Tibetans?! -All, as long as it´s C O L D !

Let´s together work out/breed the ultimate strain for the
sometimes extreme outside conditions we are living in.

Now, i have to point out that this is NOT my idea:

I was soo happy when i saw this from Wiz :
Hi! - Page 3

Quote Wiz:
"BOM…Arctic sun and I have been talking about a Cold Project specially to be of interest/use to the growers from the cold/hard outdoor climates.

We are gonna take some genetics and Tailor make/Acclimatise Specific to your conditions for Max hardiness/yield.

Haven't had time to talk it all through with him yet..
what would be your thoughts on something like that.....Interesting..or not…?"

Well, i was thinking of this tread as a start
of something… BIG! Cannot wait!
My contribution so far will be my
Diesel Ryder Sat. Phen. project.. The F2´s are half
finished already!

Diesel Ryder Sativa pheno & S60 Grow !! :drool:

My opinion is that for an Auto-hybrid to make it in our
conditions, it has to be 100% mold- ressitant, and quick
as hell! Then of course the more obvious follows:
Potency,smell & all that stuff..

Input people, Bom&Arctic, C´mon!

Good vibes & fyr en fet , cold ones!! :ama: :dance: :ama:
I think autos have been cultivated in teh baltic region for centuries, possibly for milennias. If i was to make a bet on what strain was found in that swedish prehistoric grave, my guess would be an automatic variety!

maybe auto, maybe not, keep in mind that equilateral strains such as Thai, are autoflowers as there is no change of light period. This autoflower "gene" may have passed from these strains to northern varieties. Not saying thats right or wrong just saying that the wind blows. It is quite possible with natural evolution that the migration of cannabis was from the equator north or south, not from N or S to the equator. Also keep in mind that most cannabis may have been monoecious , in the centuries before... and maybe only man has breed MJ into a dioecious plant. As many 20th century breeders have noted crops of nearly 25% monoecious/hermaphroditic. Either way it is a very interesting subject and maybe someday with genetic testing origins maybe located to a greater reliability...

We take so many things for granted these days.... just in the last 25 years people stopped smoking seeds in there weed, and many uneducated peoples still do... So I would consider some pre-historic cannabis facts to be nothing more than "monoecious hemp smokers" or possible hemp eaters... Possible never eaten or smoked as hemp production has been used for rope/ domestic uses in history not inhalation/eatables.
Hello there AFN!

I have a question. I searched over the internet but didnt find any info about the "Purple Power" being grown in Finland, Baltic countries or other north or east europe countries. I know that autoflower weed does very well but what about Purple Power? Its supposed to be an early maturing outdoor plant, reaching the same height like autoflower plants. (50 cm - 1 m ). Any comments, views?
Your a joy to read Arctic!

Having a wee smokie to myself here and will meander a little if you don't mind.

Been tracking something a little different but your musings on your own Northern culture tie in to some of the hidden ways our peoples have taken. many of these older cultures lived in slightly different timelines to our own modern fantasy and can be hard to pin down.

Always hazy with dates, but the myths and concepts are real enough. Thomas the Rhymer, last of the open line of Border shaman saw a dark force gather over the Land of Scotland. This was at the wedding of the king of the day. Soon after in the Kingdom of Fife Alexander fell from his horse in a storm and so it began. The English took an interest and the wars of independance began, thousand years of shite and it isn't done yet! During the early years the English invaded many times and destroyed all of Scotlands Historical records so as to put forward there real claims of sovereignty to the pope of the day.

However Ireland kept her annals safe during there troubles. The Annals represent the history of that land from the beginning. It jumps so many timelines that the early history is pure myth, true none the less.

It was said by the Irish tales that in the long ago 7 ships arrived from the North in Ireland. these men were Scythians they said. 7 white princes were among them and they told how they were here because a people needed them to come. The Irish told them to go to the land to the north of them, Alba, where the people were waiting. the 7 princes arrived and formed the 7 old provinces. I live in the northern most province, The Province of Cat.

This culture entered into modern history when the romans came to say hallo. Took a while but we got them tae fuck off, dirty bastards that they were. They called us picts, the Cruthni.

The painted people.

All that really exists for modern eyes is some of there stone work and the more famous 'pictish stones' done after the christians got there mucky paws into us. God damn THEM to hell for there meddling.

The place names they left are not Gaelic. They only start to become translatable when using very old finnish languages. Gaelic arrived with the Scots, northern irish moving and intermarrying along the hebridean coast.

In tombs in the Altai, the lines are merging and things that were hidden are reemerging. This Scythian culture tattooed there bodies with creatures that flow like the best Norse, Pictish , Celtic knotwork.

And in there tombs have been found cannabis seeds.

Worth a look- Scythian tattoo mummies

In times before Scotland was farmed to the tops of her mountains in incredible terraced fields and structures within the glens providing the back drop for huge complex constructions of spritual connection. Think like Tibet. A volcano in Iceland obliterated the sun for over a 100 years and the people turned to livestock to survive and the great cattle culture of Scotland began untill the clearances ended this dream in favour of sheep monoculture.

Now this was known to me but I never thought to connect cannabis culture to ancient Scotland till I read you postings here and elsewhere Arctic.

Because your part of the world and mine share connections long before the modern go-a-viking happened.

The western isles today are considered the last bastion of gaelic speakers . But Island gaelic is very diffrent form the all but lost mainland and hebridean gaelic.
This is derived from Irish but the Outer isles, harris lewis,etc speak gaelic that is a form of very old norse. The ancient clans there are connected to the old sea-ways and the Sjo-sami. The Northern isles , the Grey coast and the Western isles were all part of ancient trade routes that flowed up the coast of Norway, to Iceland, Greenland and the Americas. Remember seeing and old inuit man on tv being asked about the vikings arrival there. He said his people remembered and thought they were fine people. When told they were the first to have made the voyage he laughed his head off!

Essentially if they were growing in the North of Norway then they were growing here and i like that!

And as a matter of interset. St Kilda was never touched by the ice age and the people there still told tales of the times before when it was possible to ride by deer across to the mainland. Derided as myth and nonsense scientists now think there may have been land connecting.......pricks!

Interesting times and and no bad thing to bring back some of our older ways of being.

In many things the Scots are very patient. the storm will pass and those dark clouds will be blown clear and maybe we will seen a little sun on those ganja fields again.

i shall fill a bowl and smoke to you all:bong:


Have you heard of Doggerland and the giant landslides off the coast of Norway that caused tsunamis large enough to separate the British isles from mainland Europe?

Less then 10000 years ago that England became an island, less then 10000 years ago, there was dry land between Denmark and Scotland. And a civilization living there!

You can read a little about it here:

So this is what happends to the ancient peoples of the region, several massive tsunamis occurred in the Northern atlantic shaping Europe as we see it today. Its not only the one event called the storeggen slide, its basically the whole continental shelf outside of Norway between latitude 64- and 67 north fails and slides into the deep sea in a series of events that takes place in a timeframe of about 3000 years (8000ya-5000ya). Thats an area the size of Denmark, just to emphasize the scale of these events.

Now its my speculation that these catasrophic events causes migrations eastwards out of Europe and into the central euroasian states. About 5000 years ago, the northeast passage was ice free, so its possible that ancient Europeans may have migrated eastwards along the arctic coast.

Below is a ruff schetch of what the northeastern arctic traderoute looks like... notice that it takes you from the Atlantic eastwards along the arctic coast, up the large Russian rivers and all the way to lake Baikal where we find many remains of a people that bears striking recemblance to todays Irish. Important to also notice that these rivers are massive today, but they were even larger at this time and they all empty into the arctic ocean. This traderoute is forgotten by most today since its not been in use for centuries, but it has historically been open until about the viking age. If you go to the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam you will see a large renessance painting of the world in there somewhere, on that painting a large Dutch fleet is sailing the northeast passage to China.


Regarding ancient Rome, the high culture of ancient Rome was centered around a heathen practice. Roman high culture falls with the arrival of Christianity. Roman heathens that refuses to turn to the new faith has to flee the city.

Rome falls to Christians in about 500 AD, a couple of hundred years later we see the arrival of a heathen high culture in northern Europe that is famed for violent attacks against churches.

... ok i could go on about this subject, but it appears to me to be a connection between the arrival of high cultures in northern Europe at that time and the fall of Rome and migration of Roman citizens. In short i think the socalled Vikings are descendents of Roman refugees that fled northwards after the fall of Rome. As for other groups with bad reputations in history books im guessing the story is often similar.


maybe auto, maybe not, keep in mind that equilateral strains such as Thai, are autoflowers as there is no change of light period. This autoflower "gene" may have passed from these strains to northern varieties. Not saying thats right or wrong just saying that the wind blows. It is quite possible with natural evolution that the migration of cannabis was from the equator north or south, not from N or S to the equator. Also keep in mind that most cannabis may have been monoecious , in the centuries before... and maybe only man has breed MJ into a dioecious plant. As many 20th century breeders have noted crops of nearly 25% monoecious/hermaphroditic. Either way it is a very interesting subject and maybe someday with genetic testing origins maybe located to a greater reliability...

We take so many things for granted these days.... just in the last 25 years people stopped smoking seeds in there weed, and many uneducated peoples still do... So I would consider some pre-historic cannabis facts to be nothing more than "monoecious hemp smokers" or possible hemp eaters... Possible never eaten or smoked as hemp production has been used for rope/ domestic uses in history not inhalation/eatables.

what you are saying regarding the auto gene in equatorial varieties is interesting m8, is there anything one can do to provoke this gene to show in for example thai varieties under a 24/0 light regime?

But regardless, whether or not the auto gene developed around the equator or the polar areas. I think todays autos, feral and commercial must have a prehistory in or close to the polar regions. They display so many characteristics that are seemingly benefitial for growing in such a very unique habitat that its hard to view them as only coincidental.
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