The Cold Conditions Thread

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I would agree it pre dates man kinds cultivation...
lol sorry for hitting you with a wall of text unrelated to teh subject cres :)

Also sorry if im misunderstanding here, are you saying that you think the auto trait if i can call it that predates mankinds cultivation? Can i ask why you think that?
Natural selection. Man had no idea how to breed for it. Therefore it was there first. The natural progression of mans northern migration 50,000+ years ago didnt come with a sac of seeds. And I speak of hemp, as there was no smoking, there was no getting high... But man needed fiber.

Acclimatization is something that happens very fast, all on its own. Pollen travels great distances... Plants such as Dandelions can acclimatize and move thousands of miles in decades. Monosious hemp moved with the help of animals way before man. Man is just a speck on the timeline of Hemp...

If you didnt know here is the path of modern man... European neanderthal pre-dated modern man in europe by 50,000 years
Its a cool animation but its not belived to be complete..

Most importantly is that the history of the arctic and the northern hemisphere is much older then what is believed today. There were humans in the arctic during the whole ice age. Furthermore we have just discovered that there was ice free forested refuges in Scandinavia during the ice age too.

They have discovered that both Scandinavia and Siberia was warmer then it is today during the ice age, this is a major puzzle that presents questions that modern science has not yet understood.

Also that settlements on the arctic ocean is far older then what we have thought..

on the Yana River in northeastern Siberia, archaeologists have discovered the oldest known Ice Age settlement north of the Arctic Circle. Carbon-dated to about 30,000 years ago, it is twice the age of the previously known oldest settlement

Several new theories have been presented to explain how these things are possible, but there has not been a consensus on any of the new theories yet. Its quite a puzzle since Scandinavia is believed to have been covered by a several kilometer thick inland ice just like Greenland is today, this completely excludes the possibility of pine trees growing there.

... regarding what you are saying about the development of automatic cannabis, i think that it sounds reasonable that nature can move seeds around quicker then man. However, man could be capable of cultivating strains in areas where tehy dont necessarily grow wild. So man could be contributing to the development of certain traits.

But considering that we know that there has been warm climatic refuges several places in the arctic regions at several times in history, its entirely possible that the dwarf autos developed as a result of natural selection somewhere in a northern latitude during one of these warm periods.
Hello there AFN!

I have a question. I searched over the internet but didnt find any info about the "Purple Power" being grown in Finland, Baltic countries or other north or east europe countries. I know that autoflower weed does very well but what about Purple Power? Its supposed to be an early maturing outdoor plant, reaching the same height like autoflower plants. (50 cm - 1 m ). Any comments, views?

You can try to grow it, but I doubt it would be ripe in time. Most of the early strains breed in Netherlads are to slow to get ripe in northern Europe, but if you grow them you can propably get some seeds from them anyway. Grow them couple of years outdoors and select for earlyer maturation and mold resistant and there you will have aclimatised purple power.
Hey there northern fellas! Here in the baltic states ruderalis is very common and has been cultivated as a hemp for many years in the past. People back in days even made cannabutter from it! Well, it wasn't the cannabutter that we know- they used fine crushed cannabis seeds and mixed them with butter and it is f'in delicious! I have ate it because my grandmother used to make it- i remember when i was a kid the rud always grew next to grandma's house full of seeds :D

I am at the border of 56 and 57 degrees north and i am disappointed about my "early" strains that i chose to grow on my first outdoor grow. I read good reviews about female purple maroc, dutch passion durban poison and sensi early skunk as a fast finishers at similar regions as UK or holland but at the current day they haven't even start to flower! I am seriously worried that they won't last until harvest. :( Bummer.

Well, next year it will be auto's only- i am thinking automazar and think different could be a good choice.

Recently i found a few ruderalis plants growing at the side of the road. So here it is for shits & giggles :lol:
Hey all, great thread. I've got a 7 week old auto NL/Big buddha cross that's been flowering for about a week and a half. The weather here (Wash DC, 38 degrees North) has been hitting 40F for a few days, and I've seen almost no growth on the plant or the buds in the past week, and in fact it looks kinda scrawny for its age. Reading the "suspended animation" posts earlier, I thought that my plant might be going through a similar process. The weather just got warmer (high 60s) so I'll see if it begins growing again. I'm curious about whether the cold has a different effect if the plant is already flowering...
I found a hemp seed in a burial site in ky. The bones with it were dated at 3500 years befor present. These indians did not do agriculture, so maybe it was a foodstuff.