New Grower The CannabisBarber's DON'T TOUCH SISTERS

Today is Sunday march 12, 2017

The time is 8:19AM

You can have all the seeds in the world, if you do not understand your environment you will not have abundant success.

LIFE is 6 days old today.

SHe is much smaller then I would of hoped for.

1 mysterious seed seems to not have then pair of leaves at all. Strange!

The other 3 seedlings are doing well.

I have a problem completing tasks.
Whatever it is, I get bored easily.
I'm standing in the way of nature and my plants, overthinking natures course.

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The electricity company said we have a big storm coming. Lights maybe out and they don't know when they will be back on this sucks.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
not much we can do about power cuts,other than look after ourselves.get a few candles out make a flask of tea that sort a thing.
when the power comes back on,check timers/thermostats are working again.
mistake i made after a short power cut,i didnt reset a thermostat assumed all was ok because lights and fans were on.*note to self dont be lazy and assume things are ok,double check*
Massachusetts. It's whatever but
I will say they are come back around.
Lol I'm not judging you or anything. I just heard about some storms on NPR about to hit up North and was just wondering if you were a part of that. Hope you don't get too much snow and crap! Best wishes and lots of luck!
LIFE and the don't touch sisters are 1 week old today.
which are 2 chemdogging and 3 mysterious seeds.

The 7 greedy siblings (mysterious seeds). Completely naked, wet and cold at 19 days old.

The 7 greedy sisters at 31 days[emoji652]️
3 auto blues 1 is 43 days and 2 are a few weeks younger.
Total =12 mysterious plants and 2 chemdogging.
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