Today I watered the Sweet Skunk Auto#1 with water (ph 6.7, ec 0.17 mS/cm), and got some runoff with ph 6.5 and ec 0.42 mS/cm. The stains on the first pair of 3-bladed leaves are getting bigger, although it does not affect more leaves yet.
After this, I used a very mild liquid guano dilution to spray over that same plant, and also a couple of sprayings over the Assorted Auto #2, which looks better each day.
Here are the Fast Bud (left) and the Sweet Skunk Auto #2 (right):
Since the youngest, the Sweet Cheese Auto, has not sprouted yet I do not have any more relevant pics for the moment.
I have been researching about making Colloidal Silver, to use on a female plant to self pollinate itself (it would cause the female plant to grow male flowers which would produce pollen). From what I understood it should be possible to get decent seeds this way, and I think those seeds would retain the autoflowering and female condition if they are created from a previously feminized plant. All my plants are feminized strains, so I decided to try and make some colloidal silver, to experiment on my current plants. I think I would prefer to use this colloidal silver on the smallest plants (Sweet Skunk Auto #1 and Assorted #2, both are in 1 liter pots) so that I would get different kinds of seeds to experiment with, and the loss of weed would be minimized (the silver-treated buds should not be smoked because they contain large amounts of silver, and could be dangerous).
I found 2 silver coins (I think they are of 95% purity, I know that is not optimum, but I will try anyways) and have already attached them to a 5 volt DC power supply and submerged them into distilled water. The colloidal silver used for reversing sex should have a concentration of around 50ppm, which would translate into an ec of about 0.1. From what I have read maybe this voltage is too low, and thus it will take quite a bit of time to generate enough silver concentration. I will experiment and see if it works with what I have.
I don't know if what I am aiming for is possible: I want to get feminized seeds from a feminized plant. This way I would have backup seeds for free! I am decided to try this experiment with either plant, maybe with both. Both the SSA#1 and the AA#2 should be flowering soon, and applying the CS to them should not interfere with the 3 seedlings in the big pots, which are the ones I intend to produce smokeable bud.
OMG I have written so much already! I hope you find this interesting. This colloidal silver thing has really excited me! I really want to try my luck at creating seeds for storing purposes. That would save me a lot of time, and also allow for guerrilla chances if I got many seeds! I don't dare expending expensive seeds on an outdoor guerrilla grow, but I would if I got enough free seeds!
Thanks for reading, later!