Lighting The Bucket Strikes Back! (3 autos with LEDs)

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Hey brokencage! That sounds like a good idea... I mean, like 2 good ideas indeed! Good call on the plastic bags, that way the humidity concentrates on the soil (where it should be fine even with high humidity) instead of the canopy and the precious budsites ;) I will probably do that soon, thanks for the tip ;)

I took some pics, from left to right, Green Poison Auto, Assorted Auto #1, Fast Bud, general view:
gpa.jpg aa.jpg fb.jpg gen.jpg

As you can see I removed quite a bit of foliage. I wish this does not stress them too much! At least the flowers are getting more light now, and airflow should be improved. On the general pic you can see to the right the tiny Assorted Auto #2 on its coco pot, and also 2 (probably useless) little inventions to try lowering the humidity. These 2 are poor man's plastic bottle dehumidifiers: the one to the left has some silica gel bags hanging and a 2 cm layer of rice on the bottom, while the one to the right has a small funnel filled with silica gel balls and a small mesh. My intention with those is to lower the internal humidity, although I'm not sure about their effectiveness... Today internal bucket temps have gotten to 29ºC and humidity to 63% with lights on, so I'm worried about that. I'll probably apply brokencage's tip soon, mostly because the Green Poison pot is quite wet and will take days to dry.

That's it for now. Thanks for reading and commenting! Time for a movie, a joint and some sushi ;) bye all! :peace:
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Sielm your plants sure look good.
So would it be OK if humidity is around 60% when flowering? I was afraid this value was too high... But the ladies sure are looking nice so far :)

Today I watered them with plain water with reduced ph (ph 6, ec 0.3). I used 750ml on each pot in order to get some runoff and measure values. I did not have any plastic to cover the pots afterwards as brokencage suggested, but I will probably do that soon. I would be less worried if I got the inside humidity to 55% or so. I have them on a 22/2 schedule, and when the night comes humidity rises a lot. This is the reason for having such short nights... I would use 18/6 instead if there wasn't such a high humidity here!

Green Poison Auto: runoff had ph 6.7 and ec 1.56. Looks like these values are getting better! This one has the most resinous budsites so far, although it's not exceptional... yet! Hehe
gpa1.jpg gpa2.jpg

Assorted Auto #1: runoff had ph 6.5 and ec 1.82. Normal values here as well. This is probably the biggest one so far. Still not strong smelling, and not much resin either... but has the biggest bud so far hehe
aa1.jpg aa2.jpg

Fast Bud: runoff had ph 6.4 and ec 2.4. Maybe too high of an ec. Probably some salts buildup in the soil. Anyway this one smells good! And has already some decent sized budsites.
fb1.jpg fb2.jpg

Finally the little Assorted Auto #2. I'm watering this one each 2 days, when the coco surface becomes clear brown. I am feeding this one with a light water + root stimulator/growth nute mix. Today it showed a little leaf drop, so I will wait 1 day or 2 until next watering. I really want to see how big a seed can get into a pot this size!

The GPA is 44 days old today, the AA#1 and the FB are 43, while the AA#2 is 6 days old. This is counting from the day they sprouted above soil ;)

That's it for now, thanks for passing by! See you soon! :peace:
looks could try something like damp rid to remove abit more of the humidity.Check humidity outside the bucket first though.if its the same outside the bucket as it is inside then the damp rid wont help.
Hey brokencage! That's a nice choice for sure... the bad part, they don't sell those where I live hehehe. There are alternatives though, I have seen an egg-shaped mini passive dehumidifier made of silica (SiO2) which claims to be able to catch up to 75ml of moisture, and then it is reusable by placing it in the microwave oven for a while. I'm not sure if that would do anything but I might try it. I have just checked on the girls today and they look OK anyway. No signs of mold or diseases so far! I'm pretty happy with their development these last days. They have become noticeably fatter and more strongly smelling :D I will definitely wait until they are done for the most part this time. My last bud from the previous harvest (Pandora) has also passed away today hehehe so I will have to do without smoking for some weeks now... but I want them to be ripe and fat! It is quite impressive how much they can improve from day to day. Nature is beautiful :D

BTW I also used some plastic to cover the soil surface as you suggested, we'll see how that helps with humidity. Luckily all three plants have recovered from the pruning applied and their leaves are looking upwards again. However they still show some traces of overfert. It does not look bad either, so I will see what happens and decide whether to feed them more or not. I think maybe another shot of (diluted) PK13-14 would do them good, but I prefer not to burn them! Depending on their reactions I will see what to do. Any advice would be appreciated of course!!

Green Poison Auto: (sorry forgot to take a full body shot of this one!)
green poison auto 1.jpg green poison auto 2.jpg

Assorted Auto #1:
assorted auto #1 1.jpg assorted auto #1 2.jpg assorted auto #1 3.jpg

Fast Bud:
fast bud 1.jpg fast bud 2.jpg fast bud 3.jpg

And finally the little Assorted Auto #2 and it's mini coco pot:
assorted auto #2.jpg

Thanks for passing by! Best regards :peace:
Hi all lads! I'm happy today! My ladies have been producing resin these last days and are now smelling wonderfully and looking equally good! They are geared without a doubt in the good direction ;)

On to the pics. First, like always, comes the oldest one, the Green Poison Auto (47 days old):
gpa1.jpg gpa2.jpg gpa3.jpg

Next, the Assorted Auto #1 (46 days). Big leaves and big buds underneath! This was the least smelly out of the three, but now this is definitely improving :drool: It's a pity the exact strain is unknown, because this one looks really nice.
aa1.jpg aa2.jpg aa3.jpg

The Fast Bud looks less dark than the other three (46 days old as well). It's getting more resin anyways, and continues to smell really really skunky :booya: I love the size of the bigger buds on this one! I'm not sure about which one will be the biggest yielder of the three, but I would say it will be a close call between the Assorted#1 and this Fast Bud.
fb1.jpg fb2.jpg fb3.jpg

Now a pic of the little Assorted Auto #2. This one has me a bit worried. I'm aware this is an experiment which could go wrong, but I want it to succeed! This little one has yellowed its cotyledons, and shows an overall yellowish light green color. The stem is red however. I am feeding her with a mild dilution of water and liquid humus (pH around 6, ec 1.12 mS/cm approx). I only feed when I see the coco surface changes from dark brown to light brown (usually once each 2 days). Any advice on this one?

OK that would be it for now. I'm out! Time for a little biking ;) :peace:
Forgot to attach the general view pic :p here it is:


Green Poison Auto to the left, Assorted#1 is the one in the center, to the lower right is the Fast Bud and the Assorted#2 lies next to the internal fan in that mini pot (in this pic the Assorted#2 cotyledon yellow color is more clearly visible).

Now it's time to move a bit! Gonna biking for a while! See you around :peace:
If the run off on that little one is in the proper ph range then try a light feeding.Remember the coco has no nutriants at all and if the cotyledons are already yellow then she has ate all she can from herself without having to resort to cannibalizing its fan leaves.keep the feeding light! a tds of 300 or ec of mS/cm 0.469. Im not 100% of that ec. I always used a tds meter so I used the calculator @ to convert to ec since that's what your using. BTW looking good almost there!
Thanks for all your help brokencage! It's really appreciated ;)

I did feed her with a mild solution. The ec was about 0.7, so it's not really a very light mix, but from what I have read the plant should have no trouble taking it, specially because coco is inert and nutrient free. The runoff pH was around 6.3 last time I checked (maybe a little too high for a coco grow). I will check again later today or tomorrow. I decided to add a 1cm layer of soil (compo sana universal) above the coco substrate. My intention is to allow this soil to feed the plant. It is a very small amount of soil but has nutrients which should help the plant. At the same time it also contains root stimulator, so let's hope this was not a bad idea lol we'll definitely see these following days anyway. After adding the soil I watered the pot with pH adjusted water so that the soil could liberate some nutrient down to the coco. The leaves in the pic have some dark spots, it is just some soil which landed there when adding the new layer :P. The cotyledons are yellow and leaves are light green. The stem, as you can see, is red:

The other 3 grown plants are doing fine so far. I will probably flush them soon and take closer pics:

The Green Poison Auto is to the left, the Assorted#1 in the upper middle, the Fast Bud to the right. The seedling in the upper right is the Assorted#2. AND in the lower middle is my entry to the 32OZ cup competition :booya: a small, 950 ml pot with soil mix (compo sana universal too) with a germinated Sweet Skunk Auto seed. Let's see how it develops in such a small pot!

Thanks for passing by, see you all soon! I'm out :peace: