Lighting The Bucket Strikes Back! (3 autos with LEDs)

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Hi all! I've taken some pics today after 2 and a half days away from here. I was a little worried (even though I said I wouldn't be! lol). I was glad to see everything was alright :hump:

They are all doing fine. Temps are ideal now (from 22 to 25ºC) and humidity is almost perfect too (around 55%, still a little low but bearable).

The Green Poison Auto looks fine. Even though it was the first one to sprout above soil, the other two have grown bigger already. Looks fine anyway:
gpa1.jpg gpa2.jpg

The Assorted Auto one is currently the biggest of the trio. This really looks like a competition! Each day there is a different one that looks the biggest! :lol:
aa1.jpg aa2.jpg

Finally, the Fast Bud #1 looks good and shows some new growth:
fb1.jpg fb2.jpg

They all look good and healthy. The soil surface is still moist so I will have to wait a couple more days to water again. I hope my damn pH meter arrives already! It's taking quite long for it to arrive! Anyway, I have a last pic with a general view:

The one in the left is the Green Poison Auto. The one in the upper right side is the unknown Assorted Auto from Buddha. And the one in the lower right side is (yeah you guessed it!) the Fast Bud #1.

Well, that's it for the moment. Thanks all for reading! :peace:
Hi all folks! My three little birds took some water today. They've had no waterings for the last 8 days, because last time I used too much water and they were not in need of any more ;)

They are all going fine. Here are some shots:

The Green Poison Auto is growing at its own pace, has a good color and shape:
green poison auto.jpg

The unknown seed from the Assorted Auto pack is the best looking one. It is big and green and smells nicely!
assorted auto buddha.jpg

The Fast Bud #1 looks good too. It has weird-shaped leaves though, I will have to research whether this is a common trait in this strain or maybe a phenotype-related thing:
fast bud.jpg

Finally here is a shot from above:

The GPA is the one at the lower side of the pic. The AA is the one at the upper left side. The weird-shaped Fast Bud lies on the right.

The drainage liquid pH was 6.5. Temps and humidity are OK, the humidity has risen these past days because of frequent rains, so now it lies between 55 and 65%, even better than before!

And that's it. I must go to work now ;) so goodbye everyone! :peace:
Looking pretty and green there brother. :D
Hi all! Yes, they look healthy and green, that's good so far. Yesterday I found female preflowers on the Green Poison Auto and the on the Assorted Auto. The Fast Bud has no clear sex signs yet, although I saw some weird zones on it that resembled male flowers... I have never seen male flowers live before, so I'm not sure about this. The Fast Bud #1 is a feminized strain so it would be a dissapointment if it turns out to be a male :cry: I'm not sure about what to do if it is finally a male...

I did a minor correction in my ventilation system. The extraction and internal ventilation fans are now on 24/7, resulting in a less wide variation of humidity and temperature. My humidity was reaching some quite high values when the lights were off (around 70-75%). Now the humidity is around 55% all the time, and at nights it won't get higher than 60%. The temperatures drop from 25ºC (with lights on for hours) to 20ºC (at the end of the 2 hours of night). So conditions-wise the bucket is now on tune ;)

My biggest concern now is their size. They are 23 days old (the Fast Bud is really 22) and they are quite small. I wish they begin growing NOW and FAST, please please! My first two plants were around this size on their first month, and they were planted into 1.5 liter pots... I made these pots with the intention of at least doubling those plants' sizes. Let's see what happens...

I also applied some LST yesterday. Just a gentle bend on each one, trying not to mess much with the leaves touching the soil and rearranging them into the bucket so they all get a decent amount of light. Here are some pics of the process:

Green Poison Auto: before applying LST, female preflowers and LST detail:
gpa1.jpg gpa2.jpg gpa3.jpg

Assorted Auto: before applying LST and female preflowers:
aa1.jpg aa2.jpg

Fast Bud: only this pic is on focus, no pics of the "weird zones" were visible. I will have to check this one often, to be sure of its sex...

Finally here is a pic taken yesterday on the left (after applying LST) and a pic taken today 24 hours later:
general1.jpg general2.jpg

My intention is to tie them one or two more times at most; I won't be doing some crazy micro LST like in my previous grow, because I feel they are already decently sized width-wise.

OK I need some sleep as I am reaaaaaaally tired. I will now fire a Pandora joint and relax before going to bed :smokebuds:

See you soon! Regards :peace:
Still looking good, mate :thumbs: Good that you got your ventilation sorted out. Rock on.
Hi all! I am using a pretty thick fishing line to tie them down. I know it sounds kind of dangerous, but I used it before with the Pandora and works wonders, without damaging the plant (as long as you take care when bending it, of course). The caliber of the fishing line is 0.60 mm. I also use duct tape to keep the cords glued to the pots. Very low-tech, I know! But it works and is easy to do hehe.

Let's see how they develop now. I have to check the Fast Bud though, and will update accordingly ASAP. Thanks for you input!

Best regards ;)
