Hahahahaha this is my first time trying bro. Spent shit ton of money on soil and amendments. Been mixed for a week now and already lookin good. View attachment 1034173 View attachment 1034174 im gonna add more coco perlite and lava rock later
I could never get my soil recipe the way I wanted it. I always had ph fluctuations and toxicity issue's. I have a good super soil one for photoperiods but it burned my autos. I know older growers that have recipes they have perfected over their lifetime and won't tell me the mix. They protect it like fort knox.lol.
I got a pic with the 25x to 600x mag usb microscope of some trichs still got some time but it is a leaf from a small piece of larf so i will check tops tomaro
Who says it needs to be legal to grow outdoors lol. But i know what you mean i see guys with it in their back yards and im like man would that be nice.I was just out scoping for some new spots today. And i never grow on my own property thats where everyone would look first. This year im trying to do a drain to waste outdoor gorilla hydroponics setup I'm still working out a few details and trying to find somewhere with a clean low ppm and ph spring near to the area and pine trees around to mask the IR signature. Luckily where I am there's alot of springs and pine trees but both together is harder to find.

When I get home from work I'll take a pic of my backyard, cut down all the trees to put up the solar panels on the house, so the whole backyard get sun from the time it comes up to sunset!

Some "Talk the Talk" and some "Walk the Walk"

Autoseeds Purple Stilton - Day 53

She is now 5ft 4" tall with a Main Cola 1ft long x 3in across and still filling in.

"Walking the Walk"


Day 53 Main Cola.jpg

A few mins ago, this was the tent view....

Sleeping plants.... time to wake up...

Good Morning !


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:bighug: easing my way back in... Did you see my post in last closed staff chat?

Missed you matey! Been thinithi of ya alot over the last year!

Wasssup grrl :bighug: good to see ya chum, your always in my thoughts :headbang:
You and me working, our way back slowly!:pass:
Life aint a race and now I try to go at a slower pace and not try and burn the candle @ both ends.
Take things at your own pace and be where you need to be, for yourself! :pighug:
Wasssup grrl :bighug: good to see ya chum, your always in my thoughts :headbang:
You and me working, our way back slowly!:pass:
Life aint a race and now I try to go at a slower pace and not try and burn the candle @ both ends.
Take things at your own pace and be where you need to be, for yourself! :pighug:
U got right/ hit the nail on the head u only have one life to live dont sell ur self short and as far as health there r enuff things to kill u dont let stress and thing like that creep into ur life we as people become accustom to shitty situations, sickness, and realitys that we think this is how it is but it can be better i see lotsa people on here who have debilitating issues and am glad to see so much positivity its great to see guy and gals