Seedstockers Candy Dawg Auto Battle Plant Week 8 day 62 in soil:


No changes made besides removal of a few lower budsites, and all environmental conditions have been the same since last update.

She is putting out huge levels of aroma and showing bright white, thick pistils and countless budsites.



An all round beauty to grow, and while a little mute shy to start, soon starts eating large amounts during flowering so fingers crossed for some sumo buds
@Frogster - regarding 4C-Field from C-No Insects. This looks VERY interesting. I've been fighting gnats for a couple of months -- trying everything in the book, but with minimal success so far. The company appears to be in Holland with product availability in UK. Unfortunately for me, I'm in USA and don't see a source here yet. Will be interested in following along if you post up any experience with this .... they say 72 hours for results :biggrin:
Check out gnatrol dwg granular. Just water in every few feeds. Ive had gnats so bad before after watering you could see flopping everywhere on top of soil.
@Frogster - regarding 4C-Field from C-No Insects. This looks VERY interesting. I've been fighting gnats for a couple of months -- trying everything in the book, but with minimal success so far. The company appears to be in Holland with product availability in UK. Unfortunately for me, I'm in USA and don't see a source here yet. Will be interested in following along if you post up any experience with this .... they say 72 hours for results :biggrin:

My lights are already off today, I hope to do it tomorrow (if I am not out and about).

I will document my experience, whatever the outcome, may help others :shrug:.

Hey there if any 1 has a good way to kill fungus nats lmk i always have a few they dont seem to be affecting nething but i want them gone and hear is wat a few days diff looks like in these mbaps first pic is mar 20th and last pic a few mins ago
Hey there if any 1 has a good way to kill fungus nats lmk i always have a few they dont seem to be affecting nething but i want them gone and hear is wat a few days diff looks like in these mbaps first pic is mar 20th and last pic a few mins agoView attachment 1033461 View attachment 1033464

Post up in the infirmary if you wish, and that will get the attention of the big guns like Waira; in the meantime as Faded linked, you can get products to use against them.
If in soil, I got rid of them by letting the soil get dry more often, that killed them off every time. You can also use diatomaceous earth, it's just pulverized volcanic matter. You sprinkle it on top and as they emerge it lacerates their bodies.
If in hydro people have used mosquito dunks and the product Faded linked looks good too.
Depending on where you are, not all products are available in all countries.
Thanks man i will give it a shot soon as mar 1st came around i got 5 that ive found between then and now between my veg and flower area just thought i gottem thanks again.
That candy dawg looks very nice great job so far keep it up
@Bailey , I missed my week 7 update. Unfortunately I got called away with work at the last minute and I lost track of where I was with things. It sucks but I can’t update if I’m not there, I guess I’m out guys. I’ll still update my plant in my own thread in my sig.
This is unforeseen, it’s not my job to go away on meetings but some inconsiderate bastard left and I’ve been picking up the slack for the past couple of months. Sorry everyone, I wish you all the best of luck!
No my friend you are not out you can play ure get out of update card you can play it onky once each battle