@archie gemmill triangle dragon doing her thing terrestial bean company
You using the LEDs as supplemental lighting and to round out spectrum? I want to use CMH but there's the heat factor and the chance of fire so it's not an option for me at this time. Plus my LEDs give me more light than I can use anyway. My next purchase is gonna be another bloombeast a900 that way I'll have two covering my 4x8 and the galaxy hydros and hipergeros in the 4x4 and 2x4 tents. I'm growing a purple stilton and juicy Lucy right now and can't wait to see the cheese genetics show through. How you like the cheese?
Oh yeah bro, i love the cheese. Last one was super sticky. I guess u could say there supplemental but honestly i throw any lights i have in there lol even couple cfls

Week 6 Day 42

She has looked much better since the orgatrex and bactrex top feed last week with the leaves turning a much healthier shade of green.
Lowered the light down to around 22" from canopy and she has exploded with growth. Have been doing semi regular leaf tucking and plan to use more soft ties to spread her out more and do some defoliation over the next week.

Can anyone give me some advice on defoliation? Anything that is blocking a budsite and can't be tucked will be removed but should I only chop the leaf off or the whole stem?


Hope everyone else's grows are going well.


Week 6 Day 42

She has looked much better since the orgatrex and bactrex top feed last week with the leaves turning a much healthier shade of green.
Lowered the light down to around 22" from canopy and she has exploded with growth. Have been doing semi regular leaf tucking and plan to use more soft ties to spread her out more and do some defoliation over the next week.

Can anyone give me some advice on defoliation? Anything that is blocking a budsite and can't be tucked will be removed but should I only chop the leaf off or the whole stem?

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Hope everyone else's grows are going well.

Looking good QB. I like to take the whole stem.
Having so much fun with this grow, waaaay more confident :D

Top middle is my general battle entrant Keith. She's gonna be a beaut and I now declare her in with a shot. Bottom right is my lighting battle entrant Melania. She broke free of her constraints and took a top off in the process. She no likey LST :naughtystep: I'd have been happier had I picked the Blueberry Bomber front middle. Her sister Sickly J back left is a survivor, bottom pic is her start to life.

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Amazing she's alive if I remember correctly didn't the seedling stem get cut in half and she still grew amazing
Yeah, that’s the one. I didn’t expect it to survive tbh, just plonked it back in and it grew. I’m still wondering how that’s even possible? She looks pretty good considering, nice, green foliage.
I think I like these organic nutrients too, they seem to do a good job, especially the bat poop, seems to add some kind of flavour to the buds I think. Lots of lovely looking plants people have got on the Grow right now, there’s not enough time in the day to look at them all which is a shame.