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Seedstockers Candy Dawg Auto Battle Plant Week 7 Update:

Day 54 in soil:

Making progress now, with temps and humidity stable in the sweet spot and her reaction to nutes being more than admirable she is really picking up. We have real flowering action now so she is now receiving a higher concentration of bloom in her feed, along with a little extra Calmag for safeguarding despite not seeing any clear need for it. Have upped her topmax too and have stopped alternating between biogrow and fish mix to allow for the lower N requirement.
She is currently standing 50 cm tall and still growing, with fantastic node spacing that looks set up to pack out nicely.

Anyway AFN, Peace out
Yeah, that’s the one. I didn’t expect it to survive tbh, just plonked it back in and it grew. I’m still wondering how that’s even possible? She looks pretty good considering, nice, green foliage.
I think I like these organic nutrients too, they seem to do a good job, especially the bat poop, seems to add some kind of flavour to the buds I think. Lots of lovely looking plants people have got on the Grow right now, there’s not enough time in the day to look at them all which is a shame.
I still wonder also I keep coming too the conclusion that it's strong genetics that kept her fighting and also the talc you provided.
She is a wee cracker bro

Seedstockers Candy Dawg Auto Battle Plant Week 7 Update:

Day 54 in soil:

Making progress now, with temps and humidity stable in the sweet spot and her reaction to nutes being more than admirable she is really picking up. We have real flowering action now so she is now receiving a higher concentration of bloom in her feed, along with a little extra Calmag for safeguarding despite not seeing any clear need for it. Have upped her topmax too and have stopped alternating between biogrow and fish mix to allow for the lower N requirement. View attachment 1029282 View attachment 1029284 View attachment 1029285She is currently standing 50 cm tall and still growing, with fantastic node spacing that looks set up to pack out nicely.

Anyway AFN, Peace out
Lovley plant bro gotya updated