Btw guys and gals, Here's my post for the AutoSeeds battle copied from the Lighting battle.
AutoSeeds GSC
Temps 70 - 75 F
Humidity 60 - 65%

She's still on the small side, but I've been doing a lot of leaf culling after the topping and I'm sure that has slowed her down somewhat! I've removed one plant, so now 3 girls are sharing 180 watts of cob lighting. So that's 60 watts per plant, as compared to 45 watts last update! :thumbsup: Here's a pic!


Here's a before leaf culling, and after overhead pics :headbang:


Looking good. I got a couple GSC babies going and plan on topping and mainlining her as well. Very strong growing sativa. I hear ya on the defoiliations. Dude I've defoiliated the gorilla glue prolly 12 times and not little ones like at least 1/4 of the leaves and in 5 days it's like it never happened. It's crazy. Never had a plant so resistant and bushy like this I feel like I could chop her off at the stem and she'd be back in a
The key is moving them up as soon as the tap root pops out so it doesnt get damaged!
Theres no science behind this, just my observations, but i find if you start in a 1inch cube then to a 3 or 4 inch, then into coco, the early restriction of the rockwool leads to thicker roots and main stem, then when they hit the loose coco they go nuts and start spreading out everywhere!
Thanks bro I'll try that for sure
She’s in just over 3 litres of soil, I left a decent gap at the top for adding a little more along with some frass and bat poop. I’ll probably do that soon now she’s hit flowering. She’s a nice, green colour but I think she’s struggling with the heat in my tent just now. I hope to harvest an ounce minimum from her as a little bit of nostalgic smoke.............we’ll see if I’m up to the job soon enough!
Amazing she's alive if I remember correctly didn't the seedling stem get cut in half and she still grew amazing
Thin mint crack
Day 42
Fed today with 3litre of spring water with
6ml bloom
3ml ripen
6ML calmag
3ml pk 9/18
Ph 6.2

This stain is throwing out pink to light purple pistils say 1 or 2 every bud site so I'm thinking I'll get some nice hues in the flowers as time goes on​
Day 42
Fed today with 2 liters of spring water with
4ml bloom
2ml grow
4ml calmag
4ml root stim
Ph 6.5

I have clearly stunted this girl due to me transplanting but if she gives me an oz of flower I'll be happy. She is covered in bud sites so every couple days im giving her a defol as she's very leafy .
So that light can penetrate all sites for a better chance of yeild​

@SOOTDAWG can you post me an individual pic instead of a vid? Unless you want to try and post it in your threadmarked post on page 23 of the locked AutoSeeds thread, (it doesn't work if I try), ... Thanks! :headbang:
- Done pal :cheers: (right click, copy url, embed as media) :pass:
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The cheese xxl is getting close to the hps but still stacking on the nugs. View attachment 1028718
You using the LEDs as supplemental lighting and to round out spectrum? I want to use CMH but there's the heat factor and the chance of fire so it's not an option for me at this time. Plus my LEDs give me more light than I can use anyway. My next purchase is gonna be another bloombeast a900 that way I'll have two covering my 4x8 and the galaxy hydros and hipergeros in the 4x4 and 2x4 tents. I'm growing a purple stilton and juicy Lucy right now and can't wait to see the cheese genetics show through. How you like the cheese?