Why not share remedies here so we can all see?
IF you're not in flower and are in veg... Then 1qt of 70% 50% or 91% isopropyl alcohol or rubbing alcohol straight out of your drug store off the shelf to... 4 or 5 qts of of water.
This is an edit I forgot to add this so with the weaker alcohol you still want to use 4 quarts of water with the stronger alcohol you can use more water 5 quarts 6 quarts to the 1 quart of the stronger alcohol. You can also diluted even further for a preventative maintenance. But again though don't spray it earlyer than every 7 days six days at the earliest.
Don't do it in flower remember it is a solvent.
Spray your plants to drench.
This Will Destroy spider mites they cannot survive the alcohol spray. The alcohol weakens their shell and splits it open. Dead bug end of story.
You can spray this on your crop once every 6 to 10 days to drench. You'll have to do it every 7 days because of the eggs. This remedy does not react on the eggs only on the adults.
It helps with aphids but it does not destroy them.
You want to spray this though
before you use any beneficial bugs.
Because if you spray it after you've used your beneficial bugs you will kill your beneficial bugs that's not what you want to do.
you want to use this in conjunction with beneficial bugs.
So spray first spray and then a second spray in 7 days. Then put your beneficial bugs on a day or two after you spray the second time or even the third time if you had a really bad infestation.
Your beneficial bugs will probably starve a lot but you'll definitely be killing off all of them bad spider mites and aphids
That's what you want to do right we really don't care if the beneficial bugs starve we just want the pests out of our crop.
Also if you want to really help and keep your room clean once you come to the end of your crop then totally dismantle your entire tent room the surrounding room and clean everything with bleach water thoroughly.
Good luck bros[emoji482]