.....I use a single CMH/LEC 315w with a Philips ARGO bulb Aunty........:woohoo1::woohoo1::woohoo1::woohoo1::woohoo1::woohoo1::woohoo1:.......and yes...first thing I do!......well, not always ...........:d5:
Me too[emoji482]
I'm doing a side by side 600w HPS digital vs a 315 CMH on the same plant this plants almost 5 ft wide by 5 ft and so it has two different light zones on the left hand side is the HPS on the right hand side is the CMH you can clearly see the difference this picture was tooken 8 days ago.
I have sense moved the HPS side closer to the light which has helped a little bit but really not that much. The CMH side I haven't done a thing to it just left it alone.

I will say that anyone growing [HASHTAG]#seedstockergenetics[/HASHTAG] has a chance ck these babies I just harvested

Temps have been brutal this year man, really dry where I am too yet a couple hrs north of me was flooded:shrug:. Mother Nature can be a cruel mistress thats for sure:naughtystep:. I would like to put them some where shady of a day when really hot but for stealth reasons I can't at the moment. I cut down the amount of perlite to about half of what I would normally use as well. Now that the potting mix has settled, tomorrow I'm going to lift my mulch off, top dress with some blood and bone and mushroom compost then remulch:thumbsup:. Will also bump up nutes a little. Cant wait to watch you grow some more wheel barrows full of top quality herb mate:smoking:. Are you going to run some autos outdoor this year? :pass:
Hey TGB [emoji482]
Wow the Heat ain't no joke down there is it[emoji91]
I had heard on the television that you guys are having one of the hottest years on record down there.

Dam watering 10 liters a day.
They do look a bit pale. Not to bad tho. But they're still vegging.
Not drinking that much right now.
The mulch and cardboard will help. I use them both and news paper plus wood chips and old pieces of logs down in the bottom of the pot as a ( nurse log ).
Also changed my soil mix to have less drainage and more top soil and peat to also help hold water.
A year or 2 ago my 25 gallons pots were drying out so fast in the winter. The RH here is low and lower 15 to 25% this time of year most of the time. At that time I was watering every other day. But now with these soil mix and the fiber pots lined 3/4 of the way dowm with the plastic bag.
I'm only watering once a week now with about 1 1/2 gallons each in the 4th week of flower.

Can't wait to go outside with this mix. Going to grow monster's this year.
The Somango from 2017 is already showing her inner beast that came from her mother. She is just a wee baby under the t5 low light and she is still beastly. Going to clone her soon. Got to keep this one around for breeding latter on.[emoji482]

Me too[emoji482]
I'm doing a side by side 600w HPS digital vs a 315 CMH on the same plant this plants almost 5 ft wide by 5 ft and so it has two different light zones on the left hand side is the HPS on the right hand side is the CMH you can clearly see the difference this picture was tooken 8 days ago.
I have sense moved the HPS side closer to the light which has helped a little bit but really not that much. The CMH side I haven't done a thing to it just left it alone.

Noooooiice bro.....:bow:.......always good to see another CMH grower....:bow::bow:.....what bulb do you use?...:d5:
And proud of it :cooldance: :rofl:. I was just telling some peeps over on another forum that [HASHTAG]#megacrop[/HASHTAG] from @Greenleaf Nutrients and [HASHTAG]#autocobpower[/HASHTAG] from @BigSm0 , well you've seen my grows , is a proven [HASHTAG]#autoflower[/HASHTAG] slayer for sure and when dialed in BOY o BOY lets just say we are in for a grow show for sure :d5:.

Oh Yes...I've seen your grows..:growing::growing::growing:

I know you are [HASHTAG]#walkingthewalk[/HASHTAG]
Yup looks that way . Will be transplanting this weekend and flipping one at month's end. Still trying to decide on the lucky candidate for the growoff . May be the quick kush she is the biggest of the 3. And the 2 quick critical are very uniform in growth . However ine is ahead in the branching department. [emoji16]
Oh...looks like you'll be seeing sex shortly @islandgrower .....:dancer:

'Carpe diem et fumum veriditas'