I am going to have to pull out of the general battle. Something has been beating up my seedlings come to find out my coco was very acidic. I get this from time to time. I will have to start soaking it in phd water before mixing I to my medium
Unlucky bro....:worship:
Did someone mention the new Rule @Vapo69 .....?..................:what?:...If the members outgrow the Staff Team....we are swapping places end of 2019....:yoinks:...Yup.......:smoker:....I Think it is only Fair......

Think on that when you members are adding your ferts........:watering:...it Could be a Trap..............

Yay [HASHTAG]#staffteam[/HASHTAG] :amazon:

Vapo = Head Honcho????

No problem! I'm just a show me and a science guy, mossy's right, I question everything! We good!


Sorry pop, i took it as i was starting myths, you know years ago i caught alot of crap for fim my autos. People said it decreased yield and stunted plants.. but im still here and everyone seems to be doing. Sorry agin buddy
Feeder roots begin near the surface, not in the depths. The first 4 -6" of the rootzone are the most important, and what everyone calls the tap root is seeking water not O2 and nutrients.

Here's a quote from Dutch Passion's blog

Q. What is the cannabis tap root and why is it so important

  1. The tap root is the strong main root which emerges from a germinated cannabis seed. Experienced growers know it is important not to damage the tap root, doing so will slow down plant growth. But contrary to popular opinion the tap root is not essential to cannabis growth, plants grown from cuttings don’t have a traditional tap root yet they still produce large plants which are genetically identical to the mother plant.
My point is I don't see where the length of the tap root has any bearing on plant size. I find no science to support your conjecture. I want to see a comparative grow of seedlings allowed to stretch this much VS normally grown plants. And one of each is not a valid test.

i never made any inference to it being hard to do, i question the validity of doing so.

And a myth is is a story told to you by anyone else that has no supporting evidence. And I didn't say you started a myth, but that you may be spreading one. If we were to believe every old tale told by old time cannabis growers, we'd all be planting according to the signs of the Zodiac and pissing on our plants while chanting and dancing backwards.....

back up your words with evidence, not hostility. What I post isn't put out there to annoy you, i don't know you and have no reason to. I post replies to stimulate a discussion that may or may not bring out facts to support or deny a statement. If that offends you, it wasn't meant to. i'll not however apologize for stating an opinion, injecting factual information, or questioning anyone's assertions regarding how plants function.

You answered your own question by saying "What a seedling needs is enough feeder roots to start feeding the first set of true leaves"
And what the hell you think that 10 inch STRETCHED seedlings stem is gonna turn into once barried in dirt, I don't spread myths google head. Bigger roots, bigger, better and hardier plants, use common sence bro.

And do you think its a task to make a seedling stretch? As you said,"Id like to see a.10 inch seedling" surprised you haven't ever bro lol
Edit: get down to the nitty gritty the benefit is a much larger root zone compared to another its same age.
Again. And again. Im not here telling anyone grow like me. If u choose to thats fine. I know what works for me and i haven't grown a plant under 100 gs in years. Besides my couple 1 gallons. And fine roots form off a tap root. So after a month or so once plant is stable in my opinion if you fill ur pot up more with soil yull create more root hairs thus creating more roots = bigger plant. My opinion people. Dont copy me please. How i supposed be grower of year if everyone copy. Huh the longer tap root mors root hairs can grow off. Why do outdoor plants in ground no pots so big. Long ass tap root