I haven't looked into it yet but I am hoping I can fly from a rec leagal state to another (Michigan to Oregon) with 2 oz and 20-30 gs rosin. I would like to enter some rosin and flower in a comp or 2
Yeahhhh be better off mailing pretty sure tsa wont allow

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@Black Hat Genetics I
would love to be a part of this....i'm in the Midwest how will carpool work?Also any info for being a vendor would be awesome!
the carpool will be leaving the east coast on May 15th, zig zagging across the country picking people up and arriving at the camp the 17th. if you are interested on vending, shoot me an email autoflowercup@gmail.com (if this isnt allowed please dont boot me hobbes!)
Yeah ill have to go medless or pay the cross country fee and have them pick up some stuff for me then ill fly out maybe..LOL I wished my body and wallet could handle the drive out there with a rental.I miss drives like that.But I totally plan on being there.medless of not. i wanna show for the first one at the very least.I can say,YUP i was there.
if you make it out you wont have to worry about meds i can assure you :)
@Black Hat Genetics Yeah I kinda figured.But I was hoping to put some flowers into the mix.but if I cant I really just wanna show and Judge a little and meet some cool people. FD and there are others who I imagine will have copious amounts of herbal refreshments. plus since I get to judge I'll get a few samples to judge so I should be alright. Stoked to show up and havwe fun.With any luck the band will let me play too.LOL I am a rather accomplished drummer actually. Been doing it more than 30 years. should be a blast either way!
the carpool will be leaving the east coast on May 15th, zig zagging across the country picking people up and arriving at the camp the 17th. if you are interested on vending, shoot me an email autoflowercup@gmail.com (if this isnt allowed please dont boot me hobbes!)
Is there a Michigan pick up location yet
I would love to come and keep coming back to this thread dreaming about it, but that is the beginning of our growing season and I have to get both the veggies and the cannabis in the ground during the last two weeks of May. I’m really going to have to think about this.