Grow Mediums The 8 step dwc recuperation and recovery remedy

ya good ol Roseman knows how to grow bubbleponics style. The Reverend Roseman...... you know that didn't surprise me at all, he was always that kind of a soul it made perfect sense..... does kinda suck hes not around much he was a real pay it forward dude. :peace:

Step 6 : Hydrogen Peroxide... would it be alright to give the roots a H2o2 'bath' for a half hour

like just ph'd water and H2o2 then transfer back into a newly made res of nutes

possible cause's: SH!T AIR PUMP so very little Oxygen getting to rootzone

added MOLASSES and it turned my roots brown & RES TEMPS have risen Once or Twice

Will they ever be platinum blonde again ?:face: They were OK before I added Moles Ass
Plant is fine otherwise , could it just be discoloration from nutes and additives ?? :shrug::bow:

hey chop more oxygen were growing in water they'll drowned without molasses in DWC or any organic because... as you said "they were alright before you added molasses"... gota keep the res temps in check but you know that.. and the answer to the last question is ... more then likely all of the above..

good news follow the recover plan above and i think all will be ok. i dont soak the roots in h2o2 during a water change or recovery. i just place the DWC lid with plants from res on back to back stools and let them air out 15-20 mins then back into the refreshed res. again this is my way and there are many others im sure.

Here's a simple resolution to temporary high res temps. I have been battling the heat wave and trying to open my private door as allowed to allow the air conditioning into my room but the temps have been high. While getting a nice cold drink of water I thought "Hey I have some room in my reservoirs for more water since my girls are drinking it. Why don't I just add some fresh cool water?" So I figured I could get away with about a half gallon of water. I measured out a half gallon from my RO system, added nutes and set ph to 5.5. Viola. Next day plants looked better and since we've been having this heat wave I've done this 3 more times. I'm wondering if this is going to extend the time between water changes..Today I actually added 1gl to 2 of my plants. I'm using 5 gallon buckets in a dwc set up. I use 3.75gl when changing water. Any more and it seeps out of my air line holes. I switched my lights today to flower btw so I'm sure I'll soon be using more water. I will also be transplanting to 15 gal reservoirs. Good luck if it works for you.
I do the 2 liter ice bottle shuffle. It keeps my rez temps consistently between 60 and 64 degrees. I did get root rot on 1 plant. Really don't know why cause the other 3 plants are in the same rez and the roots are still white. I separated it and it is recovering now. I love that I found this thread. I will update the results in my thread

Thanks toke for posting it here.
Hey all,

here are my tips to reduce/eliminate root rot: keep your water under 68 degrees, use black air tubing, make sure you don't have any light hitting your roots/water AND provide lots of oxygen in the tank. The last point is probably what saved my grow: I am using 4 gallon waterfarms and got a severe case of pythium when using a small air pump with only one air stone. I upgraded my system to a 60W 1100 gph air pump and now using 3 air stones. My reservoir is now a real root spa. This little change made such a huge difference: my plant went from drooping leaves to growing 1-2 inches per day within 72hrs. Some might say I am overkilling it with a commercial pump: you can never have too much O2! Have used molasse and several organic nutes and never had a case of root rot since then. I also recommend using beneficial bacteria (Aquashield, Voodoo Juice) and fungi (Piranha, Tarantule, Great White). This will protect your plant from future attacks.

Hope that helps!
Please,tell me more about the temperature of water in dwc system. What is the optimal temperature should be in the tank?
68º-72º f is were I shoot for.
Another tip i'll tag to this about chlorinated water. obviously you need to sit that and let the chlorine in it dissipate (its not evap because its not a gas) But the tip i wanted to add was..
Try and get an RO filter regardless of your tap water quality because what happens is after the chlorine is gone ,the tap water itself has hidden contagens like algae the chlorine hasn't killed or can't kill and this will cause the water to go bad (alot) quicker than that of RO. cheers and stay stoned :)