Completed The 2021 Outdoor Auto/Photo Competition!

I'm going to do Alien VS Triangle outside. Can I join in on this? I don't expect a whole lot with the sun that's available in the area that I have to grow in, but it should be interesting.
Belly up to da bar my man! :shooty:...All the rules and details are in the first post. When you're ready, make a code card to get officially entered :thumbsup:

Have two today that popped the soil :thumbsup:
:woohoo::greenthumb: Alright! Kyote rolls in with some speed queens - :hothot::coffee::hothot:... great to have you back mate!
I'm leaning toward the BG3CS myself instead of straight BG3... Oh, if I didn't mention before, Critical Sour is a Female cross; look her up at their site for details... There's more than a little auto in her make up! Several of Females cultivars have some sort of auto in their background, a trick to speed them up for growing in northern climes. Skunk Special is worth a try for you as well, I loved mine for her amazing lemon PEZ/floral sweet aroma/taste, speed, good mold resistance and wonderful balanced high... The other pheno' of her is more skunky/cat pee classic...
Belly up to da bar my man! :shooty:...All the rules and details are in the first post. When you're ready, make a code card to get officially entered :thumbsup:

:woohoo::greenthumb: Alright! Kyote rolls in with some speed queens - :hothot::coffee::hothot:... great to have you back mate!
I'm leaning toward the BG3CS myself instead of straight BG3... Oh, if I didn't mention before, Critical Sour is a Female cross; look her up at their site for details... There's more than a little auto in her make up! Several of Females cultivars have some sort of auto in their background, a trick to speed them up for growing in northern climes. Skunk Special is worth a try for you as well, I loved mine for her amazing lemon PEZ/floral sweet aroma/taste, speed, good mold resistance and wonderful balanced high... The other pheno' of her is more skunky/cat pee classic...

Right? I saw where 1 in 30 would auto on the CS. What are your thoughts on topping or fimming the RM and/or the BG3CS?
Update #1
Day 18 & 10

Hi @Waira, thanks for reaching out to see what's going on. Truth is... not much. I've been beset by germination goblins and faltering in my post-natal skills.
I "dropped" 2 each of OG Kush and Bubba Kush back on 4-20. Only one OG surfaced. So I dropped two more OG Kush seeds on 4-27. One of those surfaced. All others never opened their seed shells. I have no more HSO photo seeds left. So here we are. I have one 18 day old OG Kush with funky leaves, and one 10 day old OG Kush that is struggling to survive. I'll hang in there and see what they want to do.

Meanwhile, I got 4 other healthy photo period plants that I'm targeting for outdoor grow, but they don't meet the criteria back on page one (3 were clones given to me, and one was a seed that sprouting in early April but was never documented).

Update #1
Day 18 & 10

Hi @Waira, thanks for reaching out to see what's going on. Truth is... not much. I've been beset by germination goblins and faltering in my post-natal skills.
I "dropped" 2 each of OG Kush and Bubba Kush back on 4-20. Only one OG surfaced. So I dropped two more OG Kush seeds on 4-27. One of those surfaced. All others never opened their seed shells. I have no more HSO photo seeds left. So here we are. I have one 18 day old OG Kush with funky leaves, and one 10 day old OG Kush that is struggling to survive. I'll hang in there and see what they want to do.

Meanwhile, I got 4 other healthy photo period plants that I'm targeting for outdoor grow, but they don't meet the criteria back on page one (3 were clones given to me, and one was a seed that sprouting in early April but was never documented).

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It doesn't matter when they were germinated as long as they spend most of their life outdoor. I germ mine in March no pics I'll post em when I move em outdoor. I don't do germ pics for this battle either.
Update #1
Day 18 & 10

Hi @Waira, thanks for reaching out to see what's going on. Truth is... not much. I've been beset by germination goblins and faltering in my post-natal skills.
I "dropped" 2 each of OG Kush and Bubba Kush back on 4-20. Only one OG surfaced. So I dropped two more OG Kush seeds on 4-27. One of those surfaced. All others never opened their seed shells. I have no more HSO photo seeds left. So here we are. I have one 18 day old OG Kush with funky leaves, and one 10 day old OG Kush that is struggling to survive. I'll hang in there and see what they want to do.

Meanwhile, I got 4 other healthy photo period plants that I'm targeting for outdoor grow, but they don't meet the criteria back on page one (3 were clones given to me, and one was a seed that sprouting in early April but was never documented).

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:doh: oy veh! Sucky to hear about the seeds/seedlings Sky, I know that pain.... Good news is, those clones and seedling are fine for the Comp, so pick your favorite sister's three and swagger up to the starting line! :woohoo1:.... fuggeddabout dem scraggly HSO loosah's - :rofl:
You're always welcome to check in the Cultivators Club thread to see what seeds may be available, and watch the Grow&Show's to see if you can get in on the action... Chat with SeedStocker Mark/Mischa, the Sweet guys too, in PM for samplers or testing since you are a certified reliable grower/tester! :pighug:
@Waira & @Jean-O Gosh by golly, folks. This is great news. So... I hereby withdraw the scraggly HSO OG's from the show. Scrap my Update #1 Post #94, and replace it please with what follows. As for the HSO's, I can't forget about them 'cause they were a gift/prize from the heavily beleaguered but much esteemed former HSO-Mark. So I'll coddle them until the bitter/sweet end. :biggrin:

No worries about seed supply. I'm awash in goodies, just virtually all Autoflowers. I'm also currently participating in Fastbuds Grow & Show and AutoSeeds Grow & Show -- so all set there. Sadly, Seedstockers can't ship seeds to the USA. So I have to cherish Mark's previous bounty from HSO & Dinafem.
update Sky 5/13
Update #1
Photoperiod Strains: Banana Papaya, High Society, & Purple Afghan Kush
Approximate date of birth for these 3 is April first. Note, Purple Afghan Kush is from DinaFem Mark.
