Indoor THCRx Grow Log - 4 strains

I used the teiring method on half of them. Should be interesting. Ive been looking into the smartpots, and i think it would definitely be worth the investment. As far as transplanting... im pretty iffy. I know autos are sensitive litte girls, and its my understanding they dont like transplanting, so i try to start them in what they are going to finish in, ya know?
I used the teiring method on half of them. Should be interesting. Ive been looking into the smartpots, and i think it would definitely be worth the investment. As far as transplanting... im pretty iffy. I know autos are sensitive litte girls, and its my understanding they dont like transplanting, so i try to start them in what they are going to finish in, ya know?

You just have to know how to transplant. all MJ plants are sensitive to transplanting you just gotta be gentle with the roots. I use the tiering method but I still take them out of the pot instead of cutting out the bottom. I just transplant them half way down. Usually people use the teiring method when they show sex. You kinda did it really early.
Yeah they do that so they arent wasting valuable pot space. But I bought all fem seeds because I dont have the room the keep males and collect pollen. And I did it early so that the tap root wouldnt hit the bottom of the cup. But I do know how to transplant, I grew photos before I switched to autos, but its just my understanding that you hinder growth (albeit just a little bit) by transplanting autos. But I did wonder if I should remove the cup for watering purposes...
Yeah they do that so they arent wasting valuable pot space. But I bought all fem seeds because I dont have the room the keep males and collect pollen. And I did it early so that the tap root wouldnt hit the bottom of the cup. But I do know how to transplant, I grew photos before I switched to autos, but its just my understanding that you hinder growth (albeit just a little bit) by transplanting autos. But I did wonder if I should remove the cup for watering purposes...

Why didn't you just plant it straight into the pot then?
Because I originally had all 24 3 gals with plants in them. But I had extra seeds and figured id germ the rest (about a day or 2 after I germed the first ones). The ones that were thriving in the solo cups replaced the ones in the pots that werent doing as well.
Right on man. Itll be interesting to see the side by side results between the tiered and untiered plants!
Ill be posting more pics tomorrow. Theyll be at 17 days.
Pic Update

Plants are at 17 days. Watered with 1/4 tbsp FF Grow Big per gal yesterday on half, will be watering the other half tomorrow!

White Dwarf/Maxi Gom
Super Stinky