New Grower Terrible luck lately


Oct 12, 2011
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I don't know if i am looking for answers or just to rant, i am getting annoyed. It seems that if i order seeds and germ and plant them right away they jump out of the soil without a problem. I store my seeds in a light proof zip bag in rice and put them in my draw its all at room temp. No long term storage i normally get to them in about a month to 2 months. Lately i germ them put them in soil and NOTHING :cuss: I also tried was Tshirt does. Soaked them in water for 48 hours then put them in the paper towel they got a LONG tap root, then put the tap root in the soil and left the seed top sticking out. NOTHING. I wasted a whole 5 pack of critical mass :finger:, The soil is moist not soaked. I even tried covering them in a dome to up the humidity NOTHING. I am thinking about trying something like this
Hey man sorry to here about your recent germ problems..I'm wondering if your prob is that your storing them at room suggest you put your zip bag in the fridge as that will keep your seeds in better condition than room temp mate :smokebuds:
Well it could be a couple of things how deep are you planting them?
Are you being careful with the tap root when planting? it is easy to damage it by pressing to hard into the soil then they will die and never come up.
Is your soil too hot what soil are you using?

I ask this because something is happening after you plant them. If your getting tap roots in the PT then your seeds are germing fine there is a problem somewhere else.
i stick them right into jiffy potting soil, which is in the center of my pots and let them grow into the hot soil. Its like as soon as i put them into the soil they just STOP growing. I use FD's soil mix
If they are germing in the PT then there is nothing wrong with the seeds. what do the seeds look like when you dig them out of the soil?
My wife kicked my seed collection out of the fridge where I stored them in labelled pill bottles. It seems they would germinate fine without any soaking or paper toweling. I just pu then in Jiffy pucks and then placed ther seeds and pucks into a plastic seed starter tray with clear plastic top. I put the tray on a heating pad at low temperatures and left it. Most seeds sprouted. At least 80% anyway.

After I got kicked out of the fridge I just stored them in the same pill bottles but in my dresser drawer. My germination rate fell dramatically. I bought my self a fridge to put down in my grow room and moved all my seeds down to it. My rate of germination went back up again. I think coming from the cold to the warm helps them pop. At least that is what I observed. I pop a lot of seeds like at least 30 a month so I am a good source on seed popping. Just thought I would throw my 2 cents worth in the mix. I am sure other methods work fine also but I like mine.

Hey man sorry to here about your recent germ problems..I'm wondering if your prob is that your storing them at room suggest you put your zip bag in the fridge as that will keep your seeds in better condition than room temp mate :smokebuds:
yeah I think they are germing in PT he's having a problem after planting is that right lykaboss?
when i have dug them up in the past i have seen the tap root look healthy, nice a bright white. Then other times i have seen it like completely dead solid black, then one time i noticed the tap root look rotten turned like a green/brown color.

I am thinking that a seed starter tray might be able to give me enough of a head start before sticking in soil that they will take off. I dunno just annoyed and willing to try anything at this point. What i find frustrating is when i order seeds and start them right away BOOM they take off no problem. Same enviroment. I never have had an issue with germing only poping through the soil
I am with Nelson here I store all my seeds in the fridge in small tuperware containers with some rice to make sure no moisture gets to them. I have only had one seed in the last two years not germ or die on me. I also use jiffy pots as well....