I don't know if i am looking for answers or just to rant, i am getting annoyed. It seems that if i order seeds and germ and plant them right away they jump out of the soil without a problem. I store my seeds in a light proof zip bag in rice and put them in my draw its all at room temp. No long term storage i normally get to them in about a month to 2 months. Lately i germ them put them in soil and NOTHING I also tried was Tshirt does. Soaked them in water for 48 hours then put them in the paper towel they got a LONG tap root, then put the tap root in the soil and left the seed top sticking out. NOTHING. I wasted a whole 5 pack of critical mass , The soil is moist not soaked. I even tried covering them in a dome to up the humidity NOTHING. I am thinking about trying something like this