New Grower Terrible luck lately

Just to add the temp in my grow room stays around 75 to 78 degrees
when i have dug them up in the past i have seen the tap root look healthy, nice a bright white. Then other times i have seen it like completely dead solid black, then one time i noticed the tap root look rotten turned like a green/brown color.

The ones with white tap root probably would have grown if you left it. The other one's sounds like either hot soil or you damaged the tap root while planting. I killed a blue streak that way when I planted it I pressed it down to hard I knew right when I did it that it wasn't going to make it. They are very fragile and can damage easily.
Do you think in my situation a seed starting kit would be best? Seems it creates a perfect enviroment for them to thrive in
My last few seeds iv been germing straight from the fridge into a light mix soil in my tent,temps are never above 70f and they all popped the surface.i know a lot prefer the pt method but straight to soil cuts that damaged tap root prob out
I've had good success in the past using Rapid Rooters till I ran into some damping off issues. Now I'm back to soaking, then right into the soil and covered over with some finely screened peat moss.

Soil temperature is one aspect of germination that is often overlooked. If the soil is too cold they won't germ well, even if they were soaked and cracked before planting. I've got some seeds soaking right now that I'll be planting this afternoon. I filled my starter pots yesterday and brought them in from the garage where it's pretty cold. I turned on my heat mat, placed the trays on the mat and turned on my lights. By the time I plant them today the soil should be good and warm.
maybe that is my whole issue is the soil temp is to low for the seedlings. Its like as soon as i put them in, they just STOP growing completely
That would be my guess. Heat mats are pretty cheap and readily available.
There is also a thing called damp off which happens to young seedlings. It is some sort of fungus that attacks the stock thins it out and then the top falls over. I haven't had the problem for a long time because of a trick the old guy in out breeder's club showed me. He puts a little black coffee in his seedling water spray bottle. It is about a ten to one water to coffee ratio. I used to use a product called Damp off but the coffee works just as well and is more organic and don't forget cheaper being the cheap skate of the universe.

That would be my guess. Heat mats are pretty cheap and readily available.
One tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide to a quart of water, sprayed on the seedlings daily, also works very well to stop damping off.

There is also a thing called damp off which happens to young seedlings. It is some sort of fungus that attacks the stock thins it out and then the top falls over. I haven't had the problem for a long time because of a trick the old guy in out breeder's club showed me. He puts a little b;acl coffee in his seedling water spray bottle. It is about a ten to one water to coffee ratio. I used to use aproduct called Damp off but the coffee works just as well and is more organic and don't forget cheaper being the cheap skate of the universe.
i just had a thought.... i wonder if my water is to cold? thus making the soil to cold for the seedlings