Dutch Passion Terra's DP Auto Daiquiri Lime grow under GN HS1's

you're bringing out the growth potential in these plants - well done. Lets see how they bud up on the large framework you provided them.

Thanks Tony :) If the largest plant keeps it up it might even surpass the Blue AutoMazar I grew in height. The BAM I grew outside two years ago was 1.2m tall I think.
Hi everyone, I've decided to try another experiment. I set one of my DL in a large pot and poured about 3L of water in there. I have an airdome in the soil hooked up to my pump @ 3 L/min. This way the soil stays a lot wetter but also gets enough oxygen for the roots.

Thanks mate :)
Pity you haven't started your Daiquiri Lime seeds yet. What's been keeping you busy?

Hi I have been designing ,rewiring and installing my new Kitchen. Which also involved nocking down walls ,bricking up doorways and taking out a chimney! Broken the back of it but a little time consuming! Looking forward to getting back on AFN.