Tent metdown!

Apr 18, 2016
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Plants stopped growing.

I started 2 Beary Whites 3 weeks ago. After 2 weeks, they quit growing. I ended up yanking them and started 2 more. It's not looking good for these either.

I also started 2 HBSS 2 weeks ago. First set of true leaves looked like crap a couple days in, and growth has halted, for the last 5 days.

Also....This may have nothing to do with dying seedlings but my Sour Crack, which was looking beautiful, also quit. She has the beginnings of some really nice buds forming. She quit in the same time frame as seedling problems.

Things I can think of, that are different:

I got a new filter for my humidifier and started running it when first seedling showed.

With humidifier running, RH is 50%.
If I fail to fill reservoir, as I often do, RH drops to 30%.

I bought Promix BX and perlite from a grow shop, instead of Amazon.

I added more powdered dolomite lime to medium @ 3 tbls per gallon.

Other than that, I can't think of any changes.

I will give pics with more detail in a few.
All dates are approximate.

HBSS#1 day 20


Beary Whites day 5


Now, the biggest shame. Sour Crack day 65

She got what I was sure to be nute burn 2 1/2 weeks ago. I have gave her straight water. It got worse. I thought...maybe P def. I fed her 2ml per Liter of Advance Nutrients M/G/B, Overdrive, Bud Candy. 1ml/L B- 52. 3ml/L GO Calmg+.

I have gave her tap water today with 3ml/L CalMg.
I'm about to throw in the towel and start with new everything.
Babies look fine, Hubba's are probably just drilling for the bottom of the pot. I'm growing them for the first time, there were a few days in there where they didn't grow at all, I think you ok. Sour crack: havn't grown it yet. The way those flowers are growing, my first guess would be not enough light. Could be just something goofy in it's genetics. She's still growing flowers, I can see white pistols.

I don't think you're in a tent meltdown
Babies look fine, Hubba's are probably just drilling for the bottom of the pot. I'm growing them for the first time, there were a few days in there where they didn't grow at all, I think you ok. Sour crack: havn't grown it yet. The way those flowers are growing, my first guess would be not enough light. Could be just something goofy in it's genetics. She's still growing flowers, I can see white pistols.

I don't think you're in a tent meltdown
Thanks for the vote of confidence. I actually just it the Sour Crack in the corner for now. I didn't want it under the intense cobs while mucked up.

The HBSS. I agree, they don't look that bad. But, it is bad. And, I don't think it's gonna get better. I will go dig up pics of my last HBSS @ this age.
I guess I meant to say I am having a meltdown
Whew! I feared I'd see pics of a fire damaged op! Glad it wasn't that. I'm wondering if this is some sort of bad pathogens/bacteria in the promix... my only real guess. :pass:

Sending :vibes: and hope they get straightened out quick!
Whew! I feared I'd see pics of a fire damaged op! Glad it wasn't that. I'm wondering if this is some sort of bad pathogens/bacteria in the promix... my only real guess. :pass:

Sending :vibes: and hope they get straightened out quick!
That is somethingbIm leaning toward. The other thing, I thought was mold from humidifier. New filter and I am sensitive to mold, makes that unlikely.
Hey dude

Promix is mostly an inert medium, sort of like Coco. But, it has some differences that make it kind of difficult to grow in for the uninitiated. Promix is usually charged with some nutrients just enough to get you through this seedling faze. It also is buffered with usually Dolomite lime. So you really shouldn't have to add any of your own.

I think you described perfectly the problem you're having, they're stopping their growth. You need to be feeding them significantly more. A nice balanced cannabis specific nutrient mix starting out following say half of the schedules recommend recommended dose. Usually, people that use promix will pH than nutrient mix to about 6.3 or 6.4. With you putting in that added lime I'm not really sure if that would hold true but I might try that first. From this point forward you should be feeding every time you water and getting some decent run off.