Indoor Teetee gets back on the horse

Grow 1 - Back on the horse and off to a good start
  • Teetee

    Lost in Space
    Cultivators Club
    Jan 24, 2015
    Reaction score
    No, I'm not doing Heroin.

    It's been a year since I planted any harvestable weed. In that time, I planned to move country (but changed our minds a week before departing), then move town (and again changed our minds a week before).
    Not a case of weed induced indecisiveness, but a genuine fear of living in the UK and a partial breakthrough in my medical treatment.

    During the packing process for the International move, I binned just about all of my growing gear.... nutes, tent, coco, filter, ducting, pots and saucers, aquavac, pH pen... pretty much everything except my seeds, my LEDs and 2x 150mm Hyperfans.

    Got a new job, and my first paycheck went on this lot....

    The big problem I have growing over here in the Tropics is the temperature, the best time to grow is in the 'winter' from March to August, where temps are down to 15-25°C during the day, never dropping below 10°C at night. It hasn't rained in months, so the humidity has been perfect.
    Unfortunately now it's beginning to heat up for the Summer, the humidity will rise and temps will go up to the 30-40°C region in a couple of months.

    Never mind, I need to get a grow on cos the jars are getting depleted.... still quite a few ounces left from last year's final harvest, but by Christmas that will be gone, so lets go!

    I don't have many seeds, mainly Dutch Passion classics from 2016-7 and 2021-2. I wanted something reliable and easy to grow, and so I went with a Night Queen and Banana Blaze from 2021.

    I planted directly in Coco using a bunch of Solo cups. The uppermost cup has loads of drainage holes in the bottom, while the three below have the entire bottoms cut off to allow for drainage, and the extra thickness is an effort to keep the light away from the roots.

    Here they are on Day 5 under one Skyline 400
    Day 5 NQ & BB.JPG

    Night Queen on the left, Banana Blaze on the right

    That day I received a SHED LOAD of Sawney beans, and although I wanted to do these when growing conditions were a bit more favourable, I just couldn't resist sowing one for the hell of it, so why not go with Nightmare.... a cross between Pineapple Express and Amnesia. Thank you @Sawney_bean , you're a total legend!

    Here's the Nightmare on day 1....
    Day 1 N.JPG

    ...with the NQ and BB a week ahead on day 8...
    Day 8 NQ.JPG

    Night Queen day 8

    Day 8 BB.JPG

    Banana Blaze day 8

    As you can see, the NQ and BB have had a good start, I let them progress to day 12 in the Solo cups then repotted them into some shiny new 21L airpots...
    Day 12 NQ.JPG

    Night Queen day 12

    Day 12 BB.JPG

    Banana Blaze day 12

    On the same day, here's the Nightmare on day 5...
    Day 5 Nm.JPG

    She's looking happy, and I will repot her next weekend if all goes well.
    I've given the Dutch Passion girls one Skyline 400 each, and the Nightmare sits in between. She'll get her own light next week when I repot her.

    Thanks for tuning in, it's good to be back!
    Day 19 - succesfully repotted
  • Following along my friend. Hope your health will improve this year ♥ :pass:
    Cheers Bob, booked my next load of Botox etc for the end of the month!
    My man back in the game.. love it.. its been too long my friend. Subbed and looking forward to this as always.
    Back in the game indeed my old mucker. It's been hard watching your grows while not doing anything myself.
    Hey! Here's to a trouble free season, health and plant wise. I hope things have improved for you.
    Thank you DC mate. It's gonna be nice having you around, your calm influence keeps me sane!
    Nice to have you back at growing again man! :thumbsup:
    Subbed ofc!
    Hope you are well mate!:pighug:

    Dutch Passion auto's and some Sawney beans, it doesn't get much better than this! :goodluck:
    Good to be back Antonio. This is just a test grow to get my mojo back again, so I'm keeping those beans that you gave me for the cooler months.
    I wanna see some monsters!
    So do I Bro. Gonna go full on Teetee with this lot!

    And they aren't looking too bad for Day 19 (2 days ago)...
    Day 19 Group 1.JPG

    Banana Blaze on the left, Night Queen in the centre, and a Day 12 Nightmare on the right

    Day 19 Group 2.JPG

    I feel like a virgin with all that shiny new kit!

    Here's some close ups...
    Day 19 BB.JPG

    Banana Blaze

    Day 19 NQ.JPG

    Night Queen

    Day 12 Nm.JPG

    Nightmare (7 days behind the others)

    The BB and NQ are taking off, so today I did a bit of leaf tucking to let those side branches do their thing.
    I repotted the Nightmare on the day these pics were taken, and she's taken to her new home very well.

    More next week, hope you are having a good one!
    Day 28 - so far, so good
  • Ohhhh.. It's already getting a bit tee tee round here :eyebrows::pighug: off to a flyer m8.. gr8 stuff as usual.
    Thanks Hope mate. Just hit the 28 day mark, and they are indeed flying...
    day 28 Group.JPG

    That's Banana Blaze on the left, Night Queen at the back and the Nightmare on the right, all in 21L airpots.
    The BB and NQ are 28 days, and the Nightmare is 21 days.

    The NQ is getting big already, with good internode distance, and her side branches are all popping through without too much in the way of leaf tucking.

    Here she is at 26 days from above...
    day 26 NQ4.JPG

    and after a bit of tucking, today on day 28....
    day 28 NQ3.JPG

    That's a lot of change in 2 days!
    Here she is from the side...
    day 28 NQ1.JPG

    I'm very happy with the NQ, she's very healthy and has got some massive fan leaves but still not getting too bushy, so I'm expecting great things from her :eyebrows:

    Banana Blaze on the other hand has a very tight internode distance thing going on, so although she's also very healthy, I'm having to do a lot of leaf tucking to let those side stems get any light. I'm not keen on removing leaves in the first 4 weeks, but I may have to start soon...

    Here she is from above 2 days ago, day 26...

    day 26 BB3.JPG

    and again today day 28...
    day 28 BB4.JPG

    From the side, you can see how dense she is...
    day 28 BB1.JPG

    Sawney's Nightmare is doing well too. She's a week behind the Dutch Passion girls, but showing her pedigree. Perfect in every way (so far), she has good internode distance and the side stems are growing out quickly. She's already the same height as the Banana Blaze.
    Here she is from above on day 19...
    day 19 Nm4.JPG

    and 2 days later...
    day 21 Nm3.JPG

    From the side, you can see her perfect structure...
    day 21 Nm2.JPG

    So I have high hopes for the Sawney bean, I'm really looking forward to a jumbo haul of sparkly Pineapple amnesia buds!

    Long range weather forecasts suggest a long hot dry summer, and by hot, we're talking non stop 40°C plus temps, and not a drop of rain.... there's already a lot of bushfires on the go all around Aus, and this area is as dry as a Nun's bits. Gonna be fun!
    Day 33 - Fucking bollocks

    I'll say it again.... FUCKING BOLLOCKS. Got an email from the rental agency and they want to do a full inspection end of November.
    By my calculations my girls will be in full bloom with just maybe a week or two left.

    This has happened in the past and I've been able to deal with it, but not this time. There's no where to hide them and the place will stink of weed.
    The Night Queen will be massive, here she is on day 33....
    Day 33 NQ.JPG

    She was storming away, tall, loads of long side branches, and shaping up to be a monster. I was about to start staking her out to get the best out of her. You can see those tips all starting to flower.

    The Sawney Nightmare was also shaping up to be a cracker... 26 days old, early flowers, perfect anatomy with fantastic potential...
    Day 26 Nm.JPG

    The Banana Blaze was also looking good, maybe not as tall as the other two, but she goes a bit longer than the others, and would have gained some good height over the next few weeks. Other Banana Blaze plants that I have done have always been the same, very bushy and dense to start ultimately getting huge.
    Here she was on day 33...
    Day 33 BB.JPG

    As a group...
    Day 33 Group.JPG

    L to R: Banana Blaze, Night Queen, Nightmare

    It's my fault... bad timing. We get these inspections every 3 months and I should have realised this would happen.

    So I switched everything off and let them die. No point wasting electricity and nutes plus having all that stress.
    Repeat after me...FUCKING BOLLOCKS.

    Oh well, when you fall off your horse, you get back on. At least I know I can still grow weed!
    I will plant more seeds about 3 weeks before the Gestapo arrive, so that I can easily hide them on the big day, and have them up and running the same afternoon giving me a good headstart before the next 3 monthly intrusion into my home. I'll only be down for another 10 or so days.

    I'll keep you posted. Thanks in advance for your sympathy!
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    Day 40 - The un-dead
  • Thanks for the hindsight points @DOA and also thanks for the rep points from @DCLXVI and @Antonio_DutchPassion... always much appreciated Guys!

    Thanks also to all of you for the suggestions for my current issue... the impending inspection.
    As you might remember, I switched the lights off on this grow back on day 33..... I decided to switch them back on 7 days later on day 40.


    Day 43 group 1.JPG

    This was taken 2 days after lights on, and as you can see, the Night Queen is well and truly dead. The Banana Blaze is in the front with the Nightmare behind. How fitting that I have the un-dead locked up in my garage on Halloween!

    Let's see that Night Queen for the last time... I'm sorry old girl, but I'll do you again sometime soon.
    Day 43 NQ.JPG

    The Banana Blaze got off lightly. She's stocky and bushy, and is settling into flowering after a little stretch in the dark...
    Day 43 BB 1.JPG

    From above, she's looking pretty good considering....
    Day 43 BB 2.JPG

    I might give her a bit of a trim so she can concentrate of those established flowering stems. Heightwise, she's manageable for stashing away come inspection time.

    Sawney's Nightmare's also got a bit of fight in her. She's stretched like a bastard during the blackout though....
    Day 36 Nm 1.JPG

    She's silll got her great structure and loads of flowering tips but the leaves show a few yellow patches...
    Day 36 Nm 2.JPG

    She's 7 days younger than the Banana Blaze, on day 36.
    Here's her main cola tip...
    Day 36 Nm 3.JPG

    As well as those long stems, there's also a bit of action further down as the main side stems produce their own side stems....
    Day 36 Nm 4.JPG

    I'm wondering what to do with the Nightmare... she's gonna be a tall one, and will be hard to hide.
    I'm thinking of cutting down all the tall stems to the height of the lower canopy seen in that last picture.

    Crazy, I know, and completely un-Teetee like, but at this stage I'm not worried about monsters, I want small plants to give me a few ounces and be easy to hide in full bloom when that fucking bitch comes round.
    I'm probably gonna box them and stash them in the car on the big day.

    Thanks for tuning in, and feel free to give me your thoughts!
    Day 53 - What inspection?
  • So it's day 53 and the inspection is 2 weeks tomorrow. I'm just doing the two plants... Banana Blaze and Sawney's Nightmare (which is a week younger at day 46), and I'm hoping I can hide them somehow while that bitch comes round to check us out.

    The plants don't seem to care about my dramas and are purposely giving me a hard time. The Banana Blaze is loading up with stinky buds, and the Nightmare is HUGE. Why me???

    Here's the BB...
    day 53 BB 2.JPG

    Not bad looking considering she was left for dead a few weeks ago.

    From above you can see she's got some girth, with some nice buds forming...
    day 53 BB 3.JPG

    Her main cola tip...
    day 53 BB 5.JPG

    ... and a bit lower down....
    day 53 BB 6.JPG

    She's been on PK 13/14 since day 50, I usually give it for a week, then give her 3-4 weeks to finish up.

    The Nightmare is just massive....
    day 46 Nm 1.JPG

    She's over 1.20m from soil to tip.
    day 46 Nm 3.JPG

    She's got a long main stem, but all her side stems have grown to around 1.10m as well.
    day 46 Nm 4.JPG

    All that stretch has given her room to make some nice looking buds....
    day 46 Nm 5.JPG

    The Nightmare will get the PK treatment in a couple of days time, so it will be interesting to see how she fills out for the next installment, which I'll try and do just before the day of the damned.
    Day 67 - No.... Really..... What inspection?
  • I hope you'll have a good smell proof box for the move!
    @Antonio_DutchPassion mate, I dunno where you got the idea I was moving. My current calamity is an imminent routine three monthly house inspection from the rental agency.

    You must have a magic crystal ball and Wizardly powers though, cos whatever you've done, it's done the trick!
    Out of the blue, we've found a different house that ticks a few more boxes with the same Agency, so they've cancelled the inspection and will do an end of lease inspection once we've moved!
    That buys me some time... around 5-6 weeks, which is ample to finish off this grow. A fantastic result, but that Night Queen would have been done next week.... Grrrrr.

    So thank you Antonio, and to everyone for your good vibes!

    On with the grow then, and it's day 67 for the good sized Dutch Passion 'Banana Blaze' on the right, and day 60 for the giant Sawney's 'Nightmare' on the left...
    day 67 group.JPG

    The Nightmare is so tall, so as you can see, I have 2 Skyline 400's over her, slightly angled and slightly apart to keep the main cola an extra few centimetres away from the lights.

    The Banana is close to finishing and is chugging along quite nicely...
    day 67 BB 1.JPG

    From above you can see she's got some solid girth...
    day 67 BB 2.JPG

    Main cola...
    day 67 BB 3.JPG

    Lots of solid bud around the sides...
    day 67 BB 4.JPG

    Plenty of sparkles on the buds, with that unique creamy fruity hashy smell to the resin that I remember from before...
    day 67 BB 5.JPG

    and another...
    day 67 BB 6.JPG

    Here's the Nightmare....
    day 60 Nm 1.JPG

    Some of the fan leaves were yellowing, so I picked a load off.....
    day 60 Nm 2.JPG

    So some of these Nightmare shots are before and after the pluck.
    She's loaded with bud...
    day 60 Nm 3.JPG

    The main cola...
    day 60 Nm 4.JPG

    You can see some of the leaves are turning up at the edges - a little heat stress - which isn't surprising as it's gearing up for Summer and amient temps are in the mid 30°C's. The new gaff's got aircon.

    A cola around the side...
    day 60 Nm 5.JPG

    Close up she looks very sticky...
    day 60 Nm 6.JPG

    and another...
    day 60 Nm 7.JPG

    After pulling off all those leaves my arms and hands stank of an intoxicating citrussy hash, so I'm really looking forward to finally sampling some Sawney gear and having it cured by New Year.

    Big night of Premiership action, The Hammers kick off at 1am, but right now I've gotta get back to the City Liverpool game.... @hope2grow I know you're watching!
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    Day 77 - sticky icky
  • Hi, just a quick one today. I got out the macro lens to check on the trichomes and thought you might want to see the pics.
    Day 77 for the Banana Blaze. Dutch Passion says she takes 84 days, so as that's only a week away, it's safe to say she's just about done...
    BB 1.JPG

    A closer look at those milky trichomes...
    BB 2.JPG

    The Nightmare is on day 70 and I expect she's got another week or so left as well....
    Nm 1.JPG

    and a closer look at the trichomes...
    Nm 2.JPG

    and they also look quite milky....
    Nm 5.JPG

    I need to think about drying them, and will have to make up some boxes, perforated for airflow and some string lines at the top to hang them.
    I also need to get some of those sock hangers as they are great for hanging stems, oh and I need some clippers as well to actually do the harvest, I threw my last ones out when we were planning the move to Blighty... they were sticky AF due to the years of trimming done with them. dammit.

    My plan is to hang them in the tent for drying, then get cracking with another grow to plant on 23rd Dec so that they'll be 3 weeks old and easy to stash when we move house.

    Have a lovely evening getting caned, I know I will!
  • Finally everything's jarred up.

    The drying took about 2 weeks... I had them hanging up in the tent, (lights off obviously) with air intake and extraction running along with some internal air circulation. I checked them every so often and they were drying up nicely, but then we had heaps of rain and the humidity shot up, so everything started rehydrating bringing them literally back to square one.
    I rigged up a dehumidifier set to RH55% and placed it so the tent's air intake was drawing in the dehumidified air, and that eventually dried the bud.

    Here's the Nightmare...
    Nm crop.JPG

    That's 10.94 oz (310g) dry.

    Here's the Banana Blaze...
    BB crop.JPG

    and that came in at 8.15 oz (231g) dry.

    So that's a total of just over 19 ounces or a tad more than half a kilo off 2 plants that were left for dead at around week 3, where they had their lights switched off and no feed for over a week at a crucial stage in their development.

    The bud's good... sticky and pungent.... trial smokes and vapes are lovely. It's all jarred up with Boveda 62's hidden in a dark box for curing.

    Yup, Teetee's back on the horse...


    ... but I'm gonna take a 3 month break, cos this is the hottest, most humid time of the year, and there's no point in growing.

    We didn't move house in the end, but all that fannying around was enough to put off the inspection.... I'm a bit pissed that I killed the Night Queen, that was looking like a stunning plant that would have added another 10-12 ounces to the total, but at least I managed to revive the other two and get a result! I dread to think how much more I could have got off the Nightmare and Banana Blaze had I not pulled the plug on them for so long.

    Anyway, thanks for joining me on my quest.... I'm looking forward to my next grow, which will almost certainly be an all Sawney bean grow...
    Kalakta (AKA King Predator) , Condemned and Boomstick but I might do a Night Queen too... we'll see.

    Hope you all have a Happy New Year, and may the Gods of Ganja bless you with huge harvests!