Indoor Teetee gets back on the horse

Grow 1 - Back on the horse and off to a good start


Lost in Space
Cultivators Club
Jan 24, 2015
Reaction score
No, I'm not doing Heroin.

It's been a year since I planted any harvestable weed. In that time, I planned to move country (but changed our minds a week before departing), then move town (and again changed our minds a week before).
Not a case of weed induced indecisiveness, but a genuine fear of living in the UK and a partial breakthrough in my medical treatment.

During the packing process for the International move, I binned just about all of my growing gear.... nutes, tent, coco, filter, ducting, pots and saucers, aquavac, pH pen... pretty much everything except my seeds, my LEDs and 2x 150mm Hyperfans.

Got a new job, and my first paycheck went on this lot....

The big problem I have growing over here in the Tropics is the temperature, the best time to grow is in the 'winter' from March to August, where temps are down to 15-25°C during the day, never dropping below 10°C at night. It hasn't rained in months, so the humidity has been perfect.
Unfortunately now it's beginning to heat up for the Summer, the humidity will rise and temps will go up to the 30-40°C region in a couple of months.

Never mind, I need to get a grow on cos the jars are getting depleted.... still quite a few ounces left from last year's final harvest, but by Christmas that will be gone, so lets go!

I don't have many seeds, mainly Dutch Passion classics from 2016-7 and 2021-2. I wanted something reliable and easy to grow, and so I went with a Night Queen and Banana Blaze from 2021.

I planted directly in Coco using a bunch of Solo cups. The uppermost cup has loads of drainage holes in the bottom, while the three below have the entire bottoms cut off to allow for drainage, and the extra thickness is an effort to keep the light away from the roots.

Here they are on Day 5 under one Skyline 400
Day 5 NQ & BB.JPG

Night Queen on the left, Banana Blaze on the right

That day I received a SHED LOAD of Sawney beans, and although I wanted to do these when growing conditions were a bit more favourable, I just couldn't resist sowing one for the hell of it, so why not go with Nightmare.... a cross between Pineapple Express and Amnesia. Thank you @Sawney_bean , you're a total legend!

Here's the Nightmare on day 1....
Day 1 N.JPG

...with the NQ and BB a week ahead on day 8...
Day 8 NQ.JPG

Night Queen day 8

Day 8 BB.JPG

Banana Blaze day 8

As you can see, the NQ and BB have had a good start, I let them progress to day 12 in the Solo cups then repotted them into some shiny new 21L airpots...
Day 12 NQ.JPG

Night Queen day 12

Day 12 BB.JPG

Banana Blaze day 12

On the same day, here's the Nightmare on day 5...
Day 5 Nm.JPG

She's looking happy, and I will repot her next weekend if all goes well.
I've given the Dutch Passion girls one Skyline 400 each, and the Nightmare sits in between. She'll get her own light next week when I repot her.

Thanks for tuning in, it's good to be back!
Day 19 - succesfully repotted
Following along my friend. Hope your health will improve this year ♥ :pass:
Cheers Bob, booked my next load of Botox etc for the end of the month!
My man back in the game.. love it.. its been too long my friend. Subbed and looking forward to this as always.
Back in the game indeed my old mucker. It's been hard watching your grows while not doing anything myself.
Hey! Here's to a trouble free season, health and plant wise. I hope things have improved for you.
Thank you DC mate. It's gonna be nice having you around, your calm influence keeps me sane!
Nice to have you back at growing again man! :thumbsup:
Subbed ofc!
Hope you are well mate!:pighug:

Dutch Passion auto's and some Sawney beans, it doesn't get much better than this! :goodluck:
Good to be back Antonio. This is just a test grow to get my mojo back again, so I'm keeping those beans that you gave me for the cooler months.
I wanna see some monsters!
So do I Bro. Gonna go full on Teetee with this lot!

And they aren't looking too bad for Day 19 (2 days ago)...
Day 19 Group 1.JPG

Banana Blaze on the left, Night Queen in the centre, and a Day 12 Nightmare on the right

Day 19 Group 2.JPG

I feel like a virgin with all that shiny new kit!

Here's some close ups...
Day 19 BB.JPG

Banana Blaze

Day 19 NQ.JPG

Night Queen

Day 12 Nm.JPG

Nightmare (7 days behind the others)

The BB and NQ are taking off, so today I did a bit of leaf tucking to let those side branches do their thing.
I repotted the Nightmare on the day these pics were taken, and she's taken to her new home very well.

More next week, hope you are having a good one!