Ohhhh.. It's already getting a bit tee tee round here 
off to a flyer m8.. gr8 stuff as usual.

Thanks Hope mate. Just hit the 28 day mark, and they are indeed flying...Ohhhh.. It's already getting a bit tee tee round hereoff to a flyer m8.. gr8 stuff as usual.
Sorry to hear mate. Looking good to . O,well shit happens , we carry on regardless buddy.FUCKING. BOLLOCKS.
I'll say it again.... FUCKING BOLLOCKS. Got an email from the rental agency and they want to do a full inspection end of November.
By my calculations my girls will be in full bloom with just maybe a week or two left.
This has happened in the past and I've been able to deal with it, but not this time. There's no where to hide them and the place will stink of weed.
The Night Queen will be massive, here she is on day 33....
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She was storming away, tall, loads of long side branches, and shaping up to be a monster. I was about to start staking her out to get the best out of her. You can see those tips all starting to flower.
The Sawney Nightmare was also shaping up to be a cracker... 26 days old, early flowers, perfect anatomy with fantastic potential...
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The Banana Blaze was also looking good, maybe not as tall as the other two, but she goes a bit longer than the others, and would have gained some good height over the next few weeks. Other Banana Blaze plants that I have done have always been the same, very bushy and dense to start ultimately getting huge.
Here she was on day 33...
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As a group...
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L to R: Banana Blaze, Night Queen, Nightmare
It's my fault... bad timing. We get these inspections every 3 months and I should have realised this would happen.
So I switched everything off and let them die. No point wasting electricity and nutes plus having all that stress.
Repeat after me...FUCKING BOLLOCKS.
Oh well, when you fall off your horse, you get back on. At least I know I can still grow weed!
I will plant more seeds about 3 weeks before the Gestapo arrive, so that I can easily hide them on the big day, and have them up and running the same afternoon giving me a good headstart before the next 3 monthly intrusion into my home. I'll only be down for another 10 or so days.
I'll keep you posted. Thanks in advance for your sympathy!
You bet your life Hope!starting again as soon as the intruders have been and gone??