Indoor Taproot pruning Experiment - Baby

Regarding your cardboard grow-box, it seems like a pretty cool idea! Personally I'd worry about the effects of humidity on it though. Things like creating an environment where mold, fungus, bud-rot can thrive. If also be a bit concerned from a safety perspective about the structural integrity throughout a grow. Have considered trying to line or treat the cardboard somehow? Perhaps a plastic lining or spraying with a varnish or enamel of some sort?
Oh yes, the cardboard can easily soak up the humidity, get wobbly and the whole thing can come down. Luckily I made it stable enough for about half a year.. and it only has to last long enough for this harvest, then the autos go into the main tent again and the shoebox goes back into disuse. It cost me 10 bucks and about 3-6 hours... Good enough.
Oh yes, the cardboard can easily soak up the humidity, get wobbly and the whole thing can come down. Luckily I made it stable enough for about half a year.. and it only has to last long enough for this harvest, then the autos go into the main tent again and the shoebox goes back into disuse. It cost me 10 bucks and about 3-6 hours... Good enough.

Sounds like a good short term fix for your needs. Good on ya man!
How are the pruned girls doing?
How are the pruned girls doing?

Experiment Update:

I have to say, these smol plants are just absolutely adorable. They grow just like the big boys, same proportions, just smol.

But onto the matter at hand: As stated earlier, I didn't prune them by means of airpruning but manually cut the tip off the taproots at 5cm(2"). They pruned ones are now growing about as well as the unpruned ones BUT they are, every now and then, presenting signs of deficiency. It's possible that they got infected or otherwise weakened by the pruning and resulting open wound at that young age.

I have a lot of new questions for future experiments now:
Root subdivision takes energy, so having a root pruning container that is too open likely slows down the top growth; That needs to be tested, in an 18/6 scenario of course.
What would be better: Shorter dark cycle during the grow or a less porous container?! Is there an ideal ratio that can easily be adjusted to method, calculated and implemented?
Manual pruning doesn't positively modulate a plant's growth, I wonder if air/light pruning yields different results.

You know what the best thing is? With cannabis I can test these things in 2.5months, it grows so quickly but still produces usable results for arbory when you adjust the timescales. With little things I learned from growing weeds I can get the growth of a year inside half that or less for my ficus trees.

Somango Update:
They are ghosting and fattening up really nicely. Now they have that sway. Every grower knows that sway the plants get, just lovely.
I estimate that within the week they will be ready so I went to half strength feed solution now, 15% of the container volume/day. The test buds I took were a little rough so I'll let it eat up and move anything mobile by moving the osmotic pressure into the plant and increasing the vpd.
:baked: lol, whats this little button do?

Great thread druid. It is nice to test your ideas and see the results in a short period of time.
:baked: lol, whats this little button do?

Great thread druid. It is nice to test your ideas and see the results in a short period of time.

Here they are; I forgot to water the little ones, so they look a bit droopy today, but tomorrow they'll be nice and spry again.

And of course the big ones:

What an awsome thread! That cardboard box is sweet man! Do you have a write up for,it on the forum? Is that somango from bulk seeds?
What an awsome thread! That cardboard box is sweet man! Do you have a write up for,it on the forum? Is that somango from bulk seeds?
Thx, nah all the info on it is in this thread here. If there's something you'd like to know, simply ask. The somangos are from seedsman.

I know that you are into data/information do check this out.

Seems to be a very interesting device!
Oooof 200 bucks? If you know a teeeny bit about programming you can build yourself something like that for 50.. and have a fun hobby-project doing it. Not to worry, because I've got "growroom automation on the cheap" on my todo list, already got the pumps.. :woody: