Old Reviews TaNgs NEW improved Feeding Schedule.

Do you guys think i can use this in Hydro too? My bucket is 30L??? It's a great thing what you did for us... Thank you a lot! With this schedule in my hands i never felt so badass :D

Yea same question from me.
Im looking for a Hand hold from Dr Tang on the hydro..
My new RDWC will be ready for lift off soon. Now Im looking into whats gotta be fed.
I suppose we would need EC levels for each stage?

Does anyone have a proven full proof non shop bull shit hydro feeding guide? :D

Anyone ever wonder why Dr Tang never done hydro?
Cus its illegal putting his skills into something like hydro.... He's done enough damage in the soil world :)
Perish the thought DR Tang converted to the dark side...Mr Seymoor and Gammy mo joe would be up in arms :)

*I come in peace*
This is Dr Tang
For all the noobs like me out there, could you give a ballpark figure? Is it 1 cup? 1 litre? Do you up the dose as the plant grows? Also how do you administer the mixture to them? Thanks again for all your time.

1L every 12 hours for plant of a good size.

Do you guys think i can use this in Hydro too? My bucket is 30L??? It's a great thing what you did for us... Thank you a lot! With this schedule in my hands i never felt so badass :D

Yea same question from me.
Im looking for a Hand hold from Dr Tang on the hydro..
My new RDWC will be ready for lift off soon. Now Im looking into whats gotta be fed.
I suppose we would need EC levels for each stage?

Does anyone have a proven full proof non shop bull shit hydro feeding guide? :D

Anyone ever wonder why Dr Tang never done hydro?
Cus its illegal putting his skills into something like hydro.... He's done enough damage in the soil world :)
Perish the thought DR Tang converted to the dark side...Mr Seymoor and Gammy mo joe would be up in arms :)

*I come in peace*

plants evolved to grow in soil so that's where I'm staying. The nutrients are designed for all mediums so yes it will work in hydro although you will have to dial in the amounts.
Thank You :peace:
Yea same question from me.
Im looking for a Hand hold from Dr Tang on the hydro..
My new RDWC will be ready for lift off soon. Now Im looking into whats gotta be fed.
I suppose we would need EC levels for each stage?

Does anyone have a proven full proof non shop bull shit hydro feeding guide? :D

Anyone ever wonder why Dr Tang never done hydro?
Cus its illegal putting his skills into something like hydro.... He's done enough damage in the soil world :)
Perish the thought DR Tang converted to the dark side...Mr Seymoor and Gammy mo joe would be up in arms :)

*I come in peace*

AN Jungle Juice 3 part. Follow the feeding schedule set out on the bottles until ec is 0.6 up to 0.9 veg and then 1.1 up to 1.8 bloom. You'll be amazed at what this will achieve in RDWC. If using RO water add Cal Mag.

This is almost full proof and once you have a grow done you can then start to finesse and add to it :)
Thanks a lot tang! Wow, 2 L a day eh? That's more than I would have guessed. Glad I checked.
I've developed this schedule since I've been using the Rebel upgrades in my lights and I've had faster,bigger and stronger bud than before.
My tap water has a PH of 7.4 and is magnetised https://www.autoflower.org/f16/magnetised-water-25441.html all measurements given are added to 5L of water which is then sat out for 24hrs so if you want the per 1L measurements just divide by 5.
The amount you water is something you will have to dial in I now water daily through early veg then every 12 hours through stretch and bloom...I never water to run off, I don't check PH but that's because I know my feed is always 6.6 after adding nutrients. This schedule is also based on Plagron light mix as the medium and I wouldn't recommend trying it with another. All nutrients are Advance Nutrients except for calmag which is Plant Magic and schedule is based on a 70 day plant.

Days 1 to 10 - plain tap water (PH 7.4)

Days 10 to 15 - 5ml Sensi Grow A, 5ml Sensi Grow B, 5ml Voodoo Juice.

Days 15 to 20 - 6ml Sensi Grow A, 6ml Sensi Grow B, 5ml Voodoo Juice, 5ml Carboload.

Days 20 to 25 - 7ml Sensi Grow A, 7ml Sensi Grow B, 5ml B52, 5ml SensiZym, 5ml Carboload, 5ml RhinoSkin.

Days 25 to 30 - 8ml Sensi Grow A, 8ml Sensi Grow B, 5ml B52, 5ml SensiZym, 5ml Carboload, 5ml RhinoSkin.

Day 30 - Flush medium of mineral build up by passing water through soil,I will use water straight from the tap no sitting out and I will put 40L through my 15L pots with the last 5L containing 5ml Sensi Bloom A, 5ml Sensi Bloom B and 5ml Voodoo juice. The medium will not need watering on day 31.

Day 32 to 35 - 9ml Sensi Bloom A, 9ml Sensi Bloom B,5ml Voodoo Juice,5ml BigBud, 5ml Carboload,5ml Calmag.

Day 35 to 40 - 10ml Sensi Bloom A, 10ml Sensi Bloom B, 5ml Voodoo Juice, 5ml BigBud, 5ml Carboload, 5ml Calmag.

Day 40 to 45 - 10ml Sensi Bloom A, 10ml Sensi Bloom B, 5ml B52, 5ml BigBud, 5ml Carboload, 5ml Calmag.

Day 45 to 60 - 10ml Sensi Bloom A, 10ml Sensi Bloom B, 5ml B52, 5ml Overdrive, 5ml Calmag, 10ml Carboload, 10ml Bud Factor X.

Day 60 to 70 - just water with un-PH'd water.

Don Guardian Kind Sir Tang,

Can I ask why you sit the mixed solution for 24 hours?
Also when you come to the midway flushing, how do you actually carry this out?
Do you sit your pot in something and just manually pour in litre after litre of water?
You say straight from the tap, is this not too cold? Do you use a hose or jug each litre in.

Sorry for the interrogation kind sir but Im at the mid flush stage.
Just spotted a couple of dodgy leaves that could indicate nute build up.
40 litres seems a lot... I says sighing and look weary... Aint lumping water around heavy work.

Thanks and out for now :)
Don Guardian Kind Sir Tang,

Can I ask why you sit the mixed solution for 24 hours?
Also when you come to the midway flushing, how do you actually carry this out?
Do you sit your pot in something and just manually pour in litre after litre of water?
You say straight from the tap, is this not too cold? Do you use a hose or jug each litre in.

Sorry for the interrogation kind sir but Im at the mid flush stage.
Just spotted a couple of dodgy leaves that could indicate nute build up.
40 litres seems a lot... I says sighing and look weary... Aint lumping water around heavy work.

Thanks and out for now :)

it sits out for the chlorine to evaporate bro although I don't do this with the flush water I will just fill a few buckets with hot and cold so it's about room temp (20c or there abouts) then use a watering can to pass it through the soil,the plant will sit in my sink while I do this.
taNg man it was because of your journal i read on Dutch Passions site i bought the auto ultimate seeds. This info is priceless to me as a first time grower! What do you think will yield more, 6 x 6 litre air pots or 3 x 15 litre air pots. I'll be growing in a 120 x 120 x200 cm grow tent with 600w hps. Any help is appreciated bro :)