To me the key to clean Qwiso is dry trim,I air dry then freeze then bake at 200c for 15 mins from frozen then re freeze ready for extraction. I extract with 99% ISO (also as cold as poss) although this is never accurate as the amount of water left after alcohol evap varies. I do 2 washes one for 20 secs then 1 for 30 secs then filter onto Pyrex dishes through the bottoms of two bubble hash bags I've re cycled....I think there 70 and 42 micron. I then evap with a fan,unfortunately I have to do this in a dusty old shed so not ideal.....I'm sure I could make top grade if I have a clear area to work in.
Came back from a few days away to two very unhappy and thirsty ladies lol it's taken all morning to re hydrate and they look a bit scruffy with heavy mag def,it doesn't help forgetting the lights were on 24/0. Luckily it's just the leaves that have suffered the blooms are looking good,there are on Overdrive now and have 20-25 days left.
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