Old Reviews TaNg's AN feeding schedule.

At any rate this is a digression from Tang's feeding schedule stuff so it probably deserves its own thread. If anyone has any more info, I'd love to read it, so feel free to PM me.

In general, though, I'm trying to understand precisely what each component of AN line does, precisely how necessary each is, the effect on yield and potency, etc. If I stick with DWC, I'll likely stick with AN bc of pH perfect. But I would like to cut the costs down. It'd be great to get some kind of experiments set up to evaluate the efficacy of each component, and also help is hone in our feeding schedules. If I get some more funds I'll set something up like this for my next run.
Hi TaNg I see you use the advanced nutrients line!
But omg how much different products do they have!:jaw:
I have a hardtime seeing the trees in the forest!

Are they better than canna, are they worth the money?

What products wouldn't you recommend?:gthumb:

I've only ever use AN bro so couldn't compare. A friend of mine got 250g from a DP auto blueberry with the Sensi base nutes and Big bud,I will do a comparison soon but I keep getting asked to do test grows and they deserve my full arsenal.

Some of the prices are surrealistic :jaw:high!

The prices of some of the additives are pricey I agree but a bottle of voodoo juice or Sensi Zym for instance will last me over a year and I can't argue with the results.
The point is to understand precisely why AN removed it as well as precisely what it is. Neither question has been answered.

they removed it because they made a new product called bud candy they combined sweet leaf and carboload to make this just like they put the fulvic humic acids in one bottle to make ancient earth, the reasoning for this??? probably to save themselves money and save us money sweet leaf is basically sugars that would be used up in flowering, if it is bothering you that much shoot AN a email about it, im sure they know precisely what is in it
Budcandy Is like a clear molasses and also acts as a food sauce foot your myco's, it also has mag in it.

I found it makes my plants much more stronger in smell thought the grow and in the finale products my 2 PK I chopped have kept there smell wonderfully.
Hey Kip I have seen some gripes with the taste of Sweet Leaf and Bud Candy. I wonder if it'd be better to use my own batch of sugars?
Iv heard the same, with bud candy JT makes everything taste the same but I can assure you it doesn't. I found with molasses though all plants have that slightly earthy sweet treacle like taste that it has.
Thanks for the info Kip and Larky. What I'm trying to assess is if Sweet Leaf was detrimental in terms of flavor given that people have said it makes everything taste the same (and the same comment about Bud Candy). In this case it seems to be unfortunate of the two products were combined in that they would be forcing us to go with the flavor of Sweet Leaf if all we wanted was the benefits of extra carbs....
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JTang - Ive read the thread and and copied your feeding schedule, is there any recommendation on a soil? Im sorry if i missed that post but I dont think I did. I did see the post saying a light soil medium, which i was planning on Promix BX so I guess Im ok

Also, in the last 5 months since your original post have you replaced or added anything new as far as the AN line?

Thanks for all the info you've put on AFN its been a big influence towards my first auto/LED/air-pot grow. I cant even begin to say how helpful its been for real you got mad appreciation from me

Also I seen in July you said you could no longer find SensiCal
Thats the search response on disc.AN for SensiCal MG, were you using both bloom and grow? Its $24/L so I dont want to buy both grow and bloom and only need 1.
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