Old Reviews TaNg's AN feeding schedule.

word.... Mine always go long ive Never had anything finish inside 80 days.... At times it amazes me what i get, my grows are slow because i basically grow outside... in a shed with NO heating....
i.e... last night over night my temps dropped to 15C lights on, but by around about 6am in up to 24C and i think thats what slows my grows down...
Im good with it, its what i have to work with and most of the time im more than happy with my results..... :D
sorry stupid question..... When you say 4-6ml sensi etc is that every feed? also if doing DWC do you feed twice a day?

sorry stupid question..... When you say 4-6ml sensi etc is that every feed? also if doing DWC do you feed twice a day?


All the measurements are based on mixing with 5L of water then just feeding what the plant needs. Never grown in bubbles bro this feed is just for light soil mediums.
Hey man, just wanted to know do you start using your nutes after 2 weeks or at the start.. so lets around day 11 or 12, or do you wait 14 days and then add nutes? Thanks man
Hey man, just wanted to know do you start using your nutes after 2 weeks or at the start.. so lets around day 11 or 12, or do you wait 14 days and then add nutes? Thanks man

Start at 2 weeks and you can't go wrong bro but I have been known to start a day or 2 earlier.
Thanks man i was thinking il start atday 13-14 myself.
Thank you!!!!! Will be doing it exactly as you are... Your grows are amazing!!!
Hey man just one more question if you dont mind, Do you need to get some sort of cal/ mg or epsom salts when using the sensi nutes ? I was reading the back of both the veg and bloom bottles and they seem to have alot of cal and mag in them already and it increase's in the bloom bottle.
Hey man just one more question if you dont mind, Do you need to get some sort of cal/ mg or epsom salts when using the sensi nutes ? I was reading the back of both the veg and bloom bottles and they seem to have alot of cal and mag in them already and it increase's in the bloom bottle.

I've added on top for some plants bro so its always good to have a bottle,I was using ANs Sensical but they seem to have stopped making it so I've now got Plant Magic Magnacal now.