Lighting T5/CFL only thread (the manual)

Yes it would be enough to make your grow...
Keep them as close as you can without burning them. If you put your hand up to the plants top and it's tolerable, then it's ok for the plant. If it burns your hand, then move the plant down some. On my T-5 fixture, I keep them 5" to 8" away from the light at all times...

Thanks for the reply and the tip! Your 1st sentence leads me to think there could be a but.... I'm open to suggestions lol

Still unsure of about using just 2700k's or adding a 6500k as well?
Personally I'd use a mix of the two with more 2700k. The big but for me in your post is the wattage of the cfls. Is that their actual wattage or the "equivalent" wattage?
I have seen grows completed with just 2700k, but I know that plants like the blue of the 6500k for vegetative growth. IMHO, I would recommend both at all times with Autos. Take Ripster's advice over mine though, whatever he may add in or say. Good luck.
Personally I'd use a mix of the two with more 2700k. The big but for me in your post is the wattage of the cfls. Is that their actual wattage or the "equivalent" wattage?

I have seen grows completed with just 2700k, but I know that plants like the blue of the 6500k for vegetative growth. IMHO, I would recommend both at all times with Autos. Take Ripster's advice over mine though, whatever he may add in or say. Good luck.

Any replies are appreciated, I was gonna put links but ebay links die over time so I added some photos of what I am looking at

Okay, 130 actual wattage. Those should work fine. If you do your homework before you start your grow and get your ducks in a row those lights should give you a couple of ounces off two or three plants no problem.
I would like to say a couple of things here...I have noticed with other grows and my own, that our auto's prefer the 6500k over the 2700k their entire life span...

Now let me explain: This Only holds true with CFL and fluorescence's...If your using HID lighting, they seem to prefer 2700k or at least it works very well...I believe this is due to canopy light penetration...

As we all know, HID does a much better job penetrating the plants canopy...LED's now that a different ball game, and I don't play that one...:lol:
Thanks! I will get the lights I had pictured for the top (1 x 2700 and 1 x 6500) and that will get me started and I can always mix and match some smaller side lighting of different sizes etc later on and learn as I go, cheers!
I bet if you use a couple of 26watters as side lighting you'd get an awesome grow out of that!