Sweet Seeds Sweet Trainwreck-SS

have you ever tried sweet seeds, trainwreck? I actually think you would love it bro! It honestly has this awesome flavor & aroma, nice sativa high,clear high!
I certainly know you would love to grow this baby, as you see she preforms Quite well. Hahahaha, maybe you shouldn't :P I might not hold record very long if you do.lol
Lots of Activity going on with this plant, don't ya think? The leaves look well, Perfect...I really love the Inter-node spacing with this plant, I had moved my reflector up 1" two times and haven't moved since. My Fast Buds are also doing super awesome and the 2nd trainwreck is too.
I'd buy the big proper LEDs but most of them don't get shipped to central europe so I'm stuck with chinese knock-offs, mars hydro, DYI cobs or MH/HPS

DIY cob will give you the best results as well as save you some major cash while taking your grow to the next level. With the parts they have available and the how to videos these days its easy as 1 2 3 to build your own lights
DIY cob will give you the best results as well as save you some major cash while taking your grow to the next level. With the parts they have available and the how to videos these days its easy as 1 2 3 to build your own lights

The parts are so expensive in europe tho.
Looks like youve got the feed dialed in and that light is doing her well.... great job and thats a super happy plant
Thanks @A-Train yes the feed is dialed in & seems this new LED is also, am very very happy with results so far. Everyday seems she growing 2 sets leaves IMO that's rather insane while still maintaining short very bushy stature. Love This Trainwreck! :D
I love the ones that start with that structure.. once they pack on alll those leaves then they explode in stretch
Bro that is exactualy what is happening now with this plant, later this afternoon I'm take some shots so you can see incredible amount of growth in last 2days! I hope you follow until the end, it's really a pleasure have you tag along!:pighug: