Sweet Seeds Sweet Seeds by Darth Vapour

Looking very healthy mate!
Keep us updated, will be fun to watch it.

Sweet smokes

Cheers Jay, I'll keep the updates rolling!

Weather has been pretty good, rained over the weekend and this morning.

Hey dude
Awesome plants. I love how you are able to grow in the outdoors so well.
I grow some flowers out the back garden every year and they always get attacked by pests so its enough to stop me from growing MJ outside as i get upset when i realise one of plants has an infestation.
Really dude the hats off to you it must be so much work having to care for your plants outside.
Looking forward to more updates.

Thanks for the kind words grim. It's alot of work in the early spring and in my case, winter while guerrilla growing. After that it's just some top dressings and pest /fungal control. I wish I could get out to them more but it's pretty exciting when you go in after a week or 2 and see the growth.

I'll keep this bad boy updated for ya brotha

This is from last Thursday. Slugs are hitting the girls hard no matter what I do but they are growing quicker than they can eat.

Jack 47

I'll try n get more this week. I'll add some Epsom salts along with the diatomicious earth to stop the slugs as well as some more beer traps.
Cheers Jay, the one cream 47 is showing to be very sativa dominant. Here's where those girls are at. Awesome to see what they've become after getting hit with frost to nights in a row a month ago.



Should add they got top dressed with a volcanic mineral that's high in calcium and will be sprayed for some mite damage.
My wife was telling my she read that copper wire pretty much electrocutes slugs. I was having early season problems with slugs so I made a wire collar for around the main stalk that lays on the ground(with lots of room for expansion) I also wrapped my training wires and exposed copper wire. Pretty much stopped the problem for me! Might be an easy fix for you! Great looking plants!
Thanks greenskell, I've tried copper but it's not working, I'll be trying to line the outside of my pots with sand paper, also sprinkled some Epsom salts around the base of the stem. Here's some pics. There's more discussion about my slug problems in my combined plant journal in the outdoor section.

I'll be checking out the cream 47s later, these shots are the green poison which is throwing pistils. Jack 47 pics came out real blurry.

Thanks elsamurai and Jay, I got lucky with some rich native soil and the coco blend seems to be doing the trick. I'll top dress with bloom food by botanicare and they should be set. Also got some natria fungicide to keep the mold at bay