biobizz call them a bit sceptical in thinking
I tought cal mag indeed was a no go with the tabs
Waiter! Extra calcium please! :smoking:
I hope this is clear for everyone here and we can all change the subject!
I see all kinds of back and forth about defol',... I'm in the middle on it,
Silicium Flash wouldn't help much here,
Oh the lights/lux thing-, I keep hearing how lux is a lousy unit to measure by,
"I Won't Be Bullied!!!:
..... "It's Kicking Off Pru!!!" ........

Thanks for the input guys - as always, i rely on my homies to give me the kick my plants need!!

Thanks for checking in aswell!! I've got a piccy update and it's all good!
@Waira Yeah, the early Mag Def i so expertly diagnosed seemed to have dissapeard on the second look. The CA def is only apparent on a very tiny amount of leaves - like 2 or 3 (which probably got defoliated).
I see the defoliation debate rages on hahaha - IMO (head on the block) .. I think with autopots in a small space it's almost necessary.
It does't happen in nature (well ...sometimes it does) ... but nor does a Telos in a 50 x 100 x 180 ... with a tube heater and autopot in a loft.

The symptoms as few as there were, were in the middle.
She's had another good chop now - thought i'd gone crazy as i took about 30 more ... but still looks good on it - still bushy!!
We wait for the doc. Very interesting to discuss it. Now i add some honey to my nl..
Edit: cal mag exists in tablets too...for
Crush it and dissolve it in the feed? No id if plants can absorb it like that...
Heheh Mooney!! You can a learn a lot from reading Waira and Meds posts ... I'm lucky enough to get some of the best and most trustworthy inputs around - of course there's always gonna be a contentious issue, but if you listen to waira and med .. you won't go far wrong (check out their grows!)

If you don't have the SF, the plants lose ability to absorb and then look cAlcium deficient,...that DOES NOT mean you need to add Calcium, it means you need to add silicates of some kind.
I hope this is clear for everyone here and we can all change the subject!

Waiter! Extra calcium please! :smoking:
An extra calcium with magnesium will come great.
Lucky and sweet smokes!
Hey Apolo ... thanks for the order - I'll get it passed to the kitchen As Soon As Possible!!

@Waira .. PK .. I've been a bit here, a bit there ... I'll ramp it up when the budsites start growing (over the next 5 days)