Is that right?? I thought Biobizz grow was pretty much N heavy.
Here's what they say!
BioBizz Bio Grow has an NPK ratio of 4-3-6 and is a well balanced fertiliser. Designed for use with mostly all types of soil, Bio Grow primarily works by activating bacteria in the soil which in turn helps boost the vegetative growth of your plants.
With a high concentration of nitrogen, Bio Grow is most suitable for use during the vegetative stage of development and is perfect for continued use on herbs and leafy greens. However, it can be administered throughout the entire growth period on all plants, and is used by many growers as a plant tonic during the flowering and fruiting stages.
I'm kinda alternating between the both of them ... gut feeling was telling me not to put the Grow with the Orgatrex ... So today was Grow and PK ... and in a few days it'll be orga and PK ... but i'll be ramping up the PK over the (what i consider to be) N additions.

ah, you right! Bizz has a better ratio too,...don't know what I was looking at, I thought it was like 2-1-1 or something super mild.... Alternating is good too, with different formulations, covers more bases I bet!
... Haircut looks good mate, but be conservative... I see all kinds of back and forth about defol',... I'm in the middle on it, conditionally OK, few as possible,... I wouldn't be surprised if this was linked to the sudden defc.'s, as those fans are also storage and processing units along with energy panels.... She's so hardy I don't think she missed a beat at the loss shock-wise, maybe just found herself a bit shirted suddenly on back-up reserves!
Witch-craft-Waira" is what i'll call him from now on!!!
...So guess what!!??? .... Day 30 and "the supply of micro's has faded ... and demand is spiking"
It's the very first signs of deficiency on the Blow Mind ... and the winner is ......
MAGNESIUM - woot WooP hiP hOp Hooray!!

to'd jah so! ... She's cranking along very nicely indeed, and her appetite is as well =

nom nom nom! *uuurp*
where on the plant are the symptoms, lower down, middle? Hmm, these could go either way for Ca or P defc., though I'm leaning toward Ca defc. more; color fade is ,however, more of a P defc. early early symptom.... I do see a fair amount of overlap in the symptoms between these two, not always so distinct as the "typical" patterns.... And the often co-occur! How long have you been adding in the PK?
Have a gawk at this Wheel of Nutrient Confusion--

.... note that Ca and P can point the finger of blame at each other when one is short-- because of the other?


I know, I don't have all the dots connected either about this, but I know what I see,... Oh, I don't see any Mg defc.? Unless it's on the lowers, not pictured.....
>>> Silicium Flash wouldn't help much here, not from what the ingredients listed are at least,.. fast acting Si, NPK,... I'm thinking this is mostly that damn LED efect on Ca demands,... Oh the lights/lux thing-

, I keep hearing how lux is a lousy unit to measure by, but that l know thatTelos light is a total blaster!
sorry i wernt giving advice,just making a generalization about cal/mag and LED's.and im using biobizz soil n nutes so kinda irrelevent at the same time

i find a test where something is removed from the line up more interesting,than a product being added to the line up.or if a test is done by adding an item,it should be tested again without it.
but what what am i talking about testing and shit

just grow weed

i thought cal/mag technically killed the herd to ?
A "myth" mate! Really, what that's all about with synthetic nutes is of there's so damn much dissolved in there, it becomes an osmostic hell for them-- and the root cells alike! Hit this link to a
good article about this,....