Indoor Super Lemon Haze from Green House Seeds

Jan 5, 2017
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i will copy my report from other site. You can find other reports and free seeds for report there
Hi, everyone! First of all, I want to thank the website for providing me with the necessary information and the opportunity to share my knowledge with people. Let's move on to my growing project. Strain: Super Lemon Haze(fem) from Green House Seeds Medium: any nutrient-rich potting soil mix. Vermiculate 30%, Bagpot 20l. Temperature: during the day—77-80ºF, at night—71-75ºF. Humidity—50-60%. Growing box: 27''/27''/55''


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First 2 weeks
Hey, guys! Peace and prosperity to you all! Here is an update of my report. It has been 14 days since the seed broke through the surface and lost its shell. I do not know how to track the vegetation period, so my notes will start from sprouting and then move on to flowering. I decided to start with LST, but the plant gets very bushy and remains short. During these two weeks, I used Radifarm twice—the concentration was 2.5 ml per 1 liter. I sprinkled leaves with growth stimulant—1 drop per 1 liter, also used Megafol 2.5ml/l, and today I've added B-52 (under the roots)—2ml per 1 liter. If you want your plants to be healthy, PF nutrition should be done strictly following this plan: Vegetation: 2nd week—0.3g/l, pH 5,8 3rd week—0.4g/l, pH 5.8 4th week—0.5g/l, pH 5.9 5th week—0.5g/l, pH 5.9 flowering: 1-2nd weeks—0.6g/l, pH 6.0 3-4th weeks—0.7g/l, pH 6.2 5th week—0.8g/l, pH 6.2 6th week—0.7g/l, pH 6.2 7-8th weeks (Ripen)—pH 6.2-6.5 9th week—pH 6-6.5


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All is fine. 3rd week
Hello, growers. Let's move on. It has been 22 days since germinating and 3 weeks since the start of vegetation. A couple of days ago, I accidentally broke some fan leaves and the central cola of my baby. Nutrition: PF 0.3g/l, B-52 2ml/l. This week, I also used Radifarm (2.5ml/l), sprayed leaves with Megafol 2 times using the concentration of 2.5ml/l. In general, the plant is growing pretty well. But I'm very disappointed about the central cola. PH 5.8, PPM 650 (drainage pH 6.6, PPM 1200)


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Shit happens)
What's up, guys!? It has been 30 days since germinating, 5 weeks vegetation. I'm going to wait till the plant grows up to the net, spread it properly for the last time and start the flowering in about a week if everything goes smoothly. The heat brought some troubles—the conditions in the box are far from perfect; the temperature is 29-30ºC, humidity is 50-60%! So, nutrition: PF 0.4g/l. Also, I add B-52 1ml/l to every watering, leaves irrigation—Megafol 2.5ml/l. I bought a new natural nutrient rich in SiO2, you can use whatever you prefer. Watering pH is 5.8, PPM 750, run-off pH is 6.5, PPM 100. Today, I will use plain water to avoid salt buildup. Last week, I screwed up big—I accidentally pushed a bottle of electrolyte fluid, it spilled onto the floor. Luckily, I quickly found a rag and began wiping it. Of course, I didn't think about gloves and burned my hands. Anyway, while I was dealing with it, some fluid spilled on the plant. The acid burned the tops a bit, just 2 or 3 leaves. But everything's okay, no major harm is done.


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Preflowering)) Yeah 12/12
Hello, fellow growers. It has been 37 days sincegerminating. The week of pre-flowering has already come and gone. I try to update my report every week (exactly every 7 days despite the lack of interesting news and developments.) Changed the lighting cycle to 12/12. On average, the plant grows 1''-2'' every day, just like my bro had said. I'm afraid that I will grow a monstrous beast! I hope that the height of my box will be enough for it. Next time, I will not buy a bagpot for 20 liters. Unfortunately, ScrOG was not successful this time as the box was too big. I will take it into account when I try once more. Nutrition: Right after the change to 12/12, I added Cannabiogen Delta 9 to the soil. The next day, I used it to sprinkle the leaves using the mix of 5ml per 1 liter. Then added Powder Feeding 0.5g/l. Once a week, depending on the ppm, I flush the plant with clear water. Before the flush, the drainage measurements were the following: pH 6.6, PPM 1100. After the flush: pH 6.6, PPM 700. I came to the conclusion that it is better for the plants to be fed fewer nutrients than to suffer from overdose. It feels safer this way.


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Ok Can I ask why you Ph feed while using soli?
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I have this:
Seedlings and clones 300-400ppm 5.3-5.5 ph
early vegg 500-600ppm 5.3-5.6 ph
middle vegg 600-800ppm 5.4-5.6 ph
late vegg 800-1000ppm 5.5-5.7 ph
early flower 1000-1300ppm 5.5-5.7 ph
middle flower 1400-1600ppm 5.5-5.8 ph
late flower 1000-1100ppm 5.5-5.7 ph
ripening 300-500ppm 5.4-5.6 ph
seedlings and clones 250-350ppm 5.3-5.5 ph
early vegg 300-500ppm 5.3-5.6 ph
middle vegg 500-700ppm 5.4-5.6 ph
late vegg 700-900ppm 5.5-5.7 ph
early flower 1000-1100ppm 5.5-5.7 ph
middle flower 1100-1300ppm 5.5-5.8 ph
late flower 800-1000ppm 5.5-5.7 ph
ripening 300-500ppm 5.4-5.6 ph
Grow buds) Looks good
Hello again, guys! I hope you are in a good mood today. Firstly, I want to apologize for the quality of the pics—I took them with my phone through the sunglasses. It has been 42 days since germinating, the pistils are appearing everywhere, so, I think, it is time to officially announce the beginning of the flowering period. And again, I'm worried that the height of my box is not enough for the plant. I can move the cool tube about 7''-8'' up, no more. I pray to Jah that everything will be okay. Nutrition: PF 0.7g/l. This week, I fed the roots with Delta 9 Cannabiogen for the second time. The next day, I sprinkled the leaves with it. The concentration was 5ml/l. The latest drainage measurements are pH 6.6, PPM 1250. I always check PPM of the pre-watering mix and the run-off and can say that the plant eats a lot. If you do not feed it for a couple of days, PPM instantly drops to 600-700.


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