Indoor Greenhouse seeds Super Lemon Haze

Patience. The buds will fill out when there ready too. Just a waiting game. Overfeeding won't help with that.
I hope your right buddy but after throwing out pistils over 4 weeks ago I would've expected them to be filled out by now in terms of length with the fattening and ripening stage to come but saying that I'm used to autos and indicas so maybe them being photos and Sativa's they might surprise me :shrug:
Hey Chro — great journal. The Exodus Oxypot - what a fine looking piece of equipment. Really top of the line. And 27L? That’s HUGE!

The oxygenation problem SUCKS. I’m sure that’s why she didn’t easily recover from her topping. Probably a factor in the lackluster bud development as well. I’m interested to see what she does, maybe she rallies the rest of the grow. Fingers crossed.
Hey Chro — great journal. The Exodus Oxypot - what a fine looking piece of equipment. Really top of the line. And 27L? That’s HUGE!

The oxygenation problem SUCKS. I’m sure that’s why she didn’t easily recover from her topping. Probably a factor in the lackluster bud development as well. I’m interested to see what she does, maybe she rallies the rest of the grow. Fingers crossed.
Thank you, yeah I love the equipment I have, its the person using it that's the issue lol!
This grow has definitely made me realise you can't get complacent and lazy growing in DWC, I'm going to stick with res changes every week from now on even if I am wasting nutes.
Think your right in terms of it affecting the growth after topping and also bud development, luckily I got over 300 grams on my last auto girl i grew so should have just enough bud with what I have left of her and what i eventually take off this grow to get me through to the end of the next grow, just can't give out any to friends :rofl:
Thank you, yeah I love the equipment I have, its the person using it that's the issue lol!
This grow has definitely made me realise you can't get complacent and lazy growing in DWC, I'm going to stick with res changes every week from now on even if I am wasting nutes.
Think your right in terms of it affecting the growth after topping and also bud development, luckily I got over 300 grams on my last auto girl i grew so should have just enough bud with what I have left of her and what i eventually take off this grow to get me through to the end of the next grow, just can't give out any to friends :rofl:

I think I remember your first journal, man! Didn't you have that tall ass plant that flowered late, but made up for everything after a long as grow. I think I remember over 130 days? If so, you know that these plants sometimes operate at their own pace, but patience and a steady hand is all you need! I think the buds will be amazing! You have top level equipment in there. Yeah, I change reservoirs and my top off tank weekly, just to eliminate any issues there, and I double up on airstones and pumps. There is enough to worry about in growing these plants, and if I can cross things off the list, that's great!

Nothing to laugh about here, as I am sure you will have the last laugh! Nice work in diagnosing and adjusting!
I think I remember your first journal, man! Didn't you have that tall ass plant that flowered late, but made up for everything after a long as grow. I think I remember over 130 days? If so, you know that these plants sometimes operate at their own pace, but patience and a steady hand is all you need! I think the buds will be amazing! You have top level equipment in there. Yeah, I change reservoirs and my top off tank weekly, just to eliminate any issues there, and I double up on airstones and pumps. There is enough to worry about in growing these plants, and if I can cross things off the list, that's great!

Nothing to laugh about here, as I am sure you will have the last laugh! Nice work in diagnosing and adjusting!
Yeah I was in the 2018 Mephisto grow battle 1st leg, she went 17 weeks which is why I thought I would try out photos if my autos take that long!
All you guys that have posted your positive comments today have cheered me up and given me the motivation I needed to get these girls across the finish line so :thanks:
Still going ever so slowly, nice and frosty and smells delicious! Hopefully some time left on the topped girl as I need these buds to at least fatten up a fair bit, mutant looks like she's got ages to go, minimum 4 weeks I would imagine.
Looking Good, Chro! It's not going too slowly. Lots of bud weight and frost since the last picks. You are gonna be very happy, man!

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Looking Good, Chro! It's not going too slowly. Lots of bud weight and frost since the last picks. You are gonna be very happy, man!

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Thanks Iriee! Yeah there kind of trying to stack up a little, never going to be the biggest buds but if I can manage to somehow scrape 2 oz off each it won't be a total write off!
What's nice is I have 2 totally different phenos, 1 pure lemon and one pure haze, not sure how I'm going to dry yet though as I need to dry In the tent but both will finish at different times :shrug:
Congrats on your mega harvest to bro and trimming 2 beasts back to back, now that's impressive! I hate trimming lol :nono:
Buds are just looking so delicious on topped girl, small but perfectly formed, gradually putting on weight and I still think she's got a good 2 weeks left in her, few cloudy trich's but mainly clear so still at a bit more weight to gain Mutant girl has definitely filled in some more and tops look fatter, she has 3/4 weeks to go so still alot of time left to mature, this grow is turning out ok now despite my fuck ups ‍♂️