Lighting Summer giveaway

Well I have not received a message. I thought I had some nice bud shots but there were so many. Lmao just checking sour crinkle today and she is starting to purple which I think helps. Who doesn’t love a purple bud. Lol. Congrats to the winners great job on the grow as well as the pics.
Yes sir it’s great. I have a favorite bud shot myself I can’t stop looking at. I’m going to send pm’s to everyone that was chosen just to make sure there is one international winner of the 3. Hopefully the winners reply quickly and I will then announce them here. An amazing success!!

Another thing is since this has all taken place there have been 2 more members that offered lights to donate for this giveaway or future giveaways.

Glad to hear it was a big success.
When might we see a double barrel sink with selectable 3500/6500Ks?
My entry for the Autocob giveaway.. This is my Zing Zang from my latest run.
Some great pics here.. well beyond my skill level. :)

Here's a Mephisto Double Grape from March of this year, i'd like to take credit but Mephisto makes it look easy!

View attachment 925357
Some great pics here.. well beyond my skill level. :)

Here's a Mephisto Double Grape from March of this year, i'd like to take credit but Mephisto makes it look easy!

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View attachment 924714 View attachment 924716 View attachment 924717

Picture 1 - MMG Nightingale
Picture 2 & 3 - Barney's Peyote Cookies
This has to have been the fiercest comp on Afn. Such a short period of time and so many entries with so many amazing bud shots! I’m speechless... luckily I can still type :rofl::rofl:

I did look at every picture and read every comment but I did not choose. Ms. CobShop did the selecting.

I genuinely want to thank everyone for the effort and time they had put in. @AutoWonders is right, This proves how cobshop is dominating the indoor light game which is all thanks to the folks here. I also see many new faces which is great for Afn. Linking the best growers in one place to share their successes while ocassionaly getting a good laugh. @Flash The bond between us all is so strong and that’s the real amazing part.

To the members who donated, you guys are really top notch. This is all thanks to you.

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.