New Grower Suki's Perpetual Grow-a-thon

Day 14 - 3BOG
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    And then the problem child lol. I think I may have figured out her issue, beyond just initial transplant shock. The ducting I have that brings in air from my AC vent was directly over here once she was moved to her big girl pot, and when I switched from 24/0 to 18/6 the temp was dropping way lower in her spot than it should have been. Duct is now pointed up and is over the lights instead of straight down into the plants' immediate area. Hoping I didn't mess her up too much but if she doesn't start improving soon it may be the end of her. From what I could find online it does look a lot like she's suffering from being too cold, so I'm hoping the temps being a smidgen warmer overall (and especially in her spot) will help bring her back around.
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    The Cheese is like maybe 6" tall max but just *covered* in budsites lol, kinda crazy to see. I did 5 consecutive tops on her (like, each node) so I knew she was going to have a ton but its super interesting to see how the two methods (topping plus accidentally dwarfing her like in @arty zan's method) have combined. She also went straight into flower mode instead of stretching at all so I'm interested to see how that works out considering manifolding tends to work better with plants that have more stretch to them from what I've read. The Aurora is one day younger and wasn't as close to showing sex as the cheese was and is definitely stretching some. The Lemon Drop wasn't repotted at all and has stretched 4 inches at her tops since I tied her down a few days ago and she had definitely stretched some before that as well.


    Aurora Borealis

    Her weird slope structure is 100% my fault, broke some stems on her trying to bend them since they're obscenely think.

    Lemon Drop
    Last edited:
    Day 15 - 3BOG
  • And then there's my problem child lol. Just mixed up a 32oz jar of recharge and split it between everyone but focused mainly on her, applying it to her as both a foliar and in her soil. A bit of a hail Mary on my part but she just looks worse and worse to me. If she doesn't make it I'll be leaving her space empty as I'm not going to have time to finish anything else off before December and it will give me more space to spread out the other girls. I'll be sad to see her go but I know its my own fault for the cold air and transplant shock.
