New Grower Suki's Perpetual Grow-a-thon

Day 40 - Cheese
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    Day 15 - Sour Stomper
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    I *think* shes finally starting to perk back up after her post transplant hissy fit. Definitely will be starting in their final pots from now on, unless I absolutely have to due to space reasons or something. If I do, it most definitely won't be in 1gal pots again, as the roots were just barely to the edges of the pot and I lost a good bit of root mass when the soil broke all apart. Oh well, live and learn I suppose.
    Day 13 - 3BOG
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    Still looking less than happy. She was extra droopy last night and her pot seemed pretty dry so I went ahead and watered with some yucca as I think I was having some issues with the soil being hydrophobic. She doesn't really look any better today but I'm still hoping she will perk back up. Ignore the wonky temp/humidity, apparently my lights didn't turn on this morning when they were supposed to. Timer was off by 2.5 hours and it looked like the power strip the lights are on came unplugged from the timer. Definitely no more transplants for me if I can help it, too much stress for everyone.
    Day 40 - Aurora Borealis
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    Not really doing much by way of training her, her stems have been super thick since the beginning so I'm just kinda letting her do her thing. I did take the interior leaves off to open up space for light to get in to the shorter stuff but for the most part she's just gonna hang out I think.
    Day 34 - Lemon Drop
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    This girl also got another round of tie downs last night! I also took her inner leaves as there was a lot of overlapping going on.

    This is what she looked like last night.

    I've been playing around with placement on these three to kinda get them in the spot that works best for their size and shape.
    Day 16 - Sour Stomper
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    Back to just chugging along! I'm not planning on doing anything super crazy with her, I'll be topping once she spits out another node, but I'll be letting her go a bit more natural.