New Grower Stupid Shit

Feb 27, 2013
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My ex girlfriend who was also a business partner in a retail store for 4 years is somewhere in Pennsylvania sitting in jail and probably going to prison for a spell.

She was using her store to ship pot to a quilt shop in PA in quantities. I have not had a chance to talk to her about it but was able to get credible info. J lives in Portland, OR.

What we have found out is that someone in PA got busted and the storage unit was raided. In that storage unit was found several boxes with her return address. They cops then pretended to be their suspect and texted J to send more pot and they were to send her cash upon arrival. They got the pot but she didn't get the money. She then reported to the post office the lost package that was supposed to contain the mail. The Postal Inspectors came and picked her up. After she knew who they were, she excused herself to go the bathroom. After 15 minutes the PI's found her pouring buckets of water down the toilet. They have her dead to rights and she should have known better.

We've been broken up for several years. I can not even imagine her doing this so I am pretty blown away. Here is a 65 year old woman (looks like a hot 50 y/o though) looking at losing her business and going to prison for the first time. However I do see her being just like the Yoga lady on Orange Is The New Black.

Moral: Don't do stupid shit.
Guys i still feel bad for anyone that's going to jail.. I just dont believe jail or prison is for anyone that is involved with cannabis just not right!

my only question is to Blessed Did anyone get hurt killed or torched in this crime?
if no then she does not deserve jail..

does she have a lawyer?
Man that sucks dude!!! I couldn't even imagine having charges that bad hanging over my head. Stupid yeah but, poor girl. I feel for her. She is like fuuuuucccck!!!!
She needs a good lawyer that is used to the fed system. Because all to many times and I speak from experience the state will either drop charges or at the end of your state sentencing the feds will be waiting in the lobby to arrest you and start there proceedings for a modified charge. Because interstate commerce where involved and the postal service it will be a Fed crime. Anything over a certain weight as well. Hopefully her background is clean. Feds sentence on a scale and use points. Points get added on ANY previous charge and the more points you have the longer you go away for. If she has a mild history and no violence or special training she will likely end up at a camp. Thats if they sentence her to less than 10 years. Likely end up in Danbury.
Ok you are shipping something illegal with YOUR RETURN ADDRESS on the package? Seriously? What did she expect to happen?
Sorry about your situation...prison sucks...and i mean SUCKS!!! Only advice ive got for ya man, from experiance, is get her a lawyer ASAP, lawyer fees are far more important then bail mobey (if you had to choose) much luck to you guys, you have my condolences
OH guys, I am not worried about her at all. She burnt her bridges with me when she ms-appropriated about $6000 from me! The final straw that broke the camels back. That was felony offense! And I saw her do similar to others.

This is karma catching up. She is one of those people who think the rules don't apply to them.

I fell bad for her, but I also know that no matter what she will be ok. She will see it as it where she is supposed to be and that "The Mother" put here there to do her "spiritual work".
Yeah, what she did wasn't the smartest thing to do, some might even say it was stupid, but prison for a plant still strikes me as totally ludicrous
Yeah, I agree Bandit. I hate to see her in Prison for something that shouldn't be illegal. However she is an adult and knew what she was doing. They found 16 pounds in the storage unit AND she was sending it to a guy who may still be in High School. She is in deep shit. And to be honest, I don't think it's about the pot. It's just karmic man.