Topsy Turvy! LMAO!! He could do it WVT! Now I'm sure I'm not the only one that's never seen anything like that... I don't know if I missed it but was that a PLANNED thing or did it happen by accident... Some of the coolest ideas come from "OOPS! F*CK!" lol then... "OH SHIT! That could WORK!" LMAO!!!
I'm am seriously curious as to the roots though... Did you expose them just for the picture or are they like that 24/7? I always thought light killed roots... :smokebuds: Max Rep for keeping me on my toes man! You f*cking ROCK.
Nice of you to stop in for a visit Reb my friend, welcome back

Honestly there is not much in the way of planning, I like to wait until I have a real problem then try to fix it...and that generally means I am going to do something stupid
wow yeah whats going on there, never seen this before!
Me either and I am not sure what I am doing!
/wave at Mizz.K
I swear stunted you are the Macgyver of canna! Love it!
Hey there yoda, thank you for the kind words.
Stunted like to have little imaginary friends hang out with him in his grow room! Kinda like cast away!

should name the root man! Lol
I love the knots! One of these days your gonna have to show me a video of you making that twist with the stems! Cool as shit bro!
Also I saw a guy one time had 6 topsy turvy upside down plants and his lights were on the floor facing up! Always wanted to try! No resistance to gravity! Thc doesn't have to fight its way up the stems! Pretty smart pot head! Lol
LOL guerrillasmoke, my little friends name is Knot Knot and I am thinking of giving her a paint job. Add some make-up and hair and she would dress up nice!
As for a video of the twists being done...maybe...maybe knot
oh my goodness gracious me. I think I just dropped my pantaloons. Excuse me for a moment.
Stunted, I'm relatively new here but have been lurking for ages, that is an amazing sight. I would have used that jaw dropping smiley about fifty times in this post if I didn't resent how much it displaces the text. You'll just have to take my word for it mate, the amazing scale has just hit 12. Holy guacamole. That's really got my imagination sparked too, imagine growing a monster photo sativa, training branches to one side then flipping it like you've just done a week before flowering. You might have discovered the next big thing. Fuck, I need another cone.
Someone tell me how to figure this rep business out. Apparently I can't give more than 0. Also,
Welcome to the non lurker world cunningstunts and thank you for taking to time to reply, it is appreciated!
Doing what I am with these two plants is not really something one normally does but I am far from normal so its ok
The biggest problem I am likely to encounter is stem rot in the stem sections that are inside the pot, I have only used small stones to fill the container to try and keep any rot away as the stones do not hold any moisture.
I have some pics to post shortly, from the other day....
And...I have decided that these two plants will now be changed yet again, stay tuned for that...
Live long and stay stoned my AFN friends,
Stunted Posting