Thank you Scott, sniper, Si, MrN.S

, Squidy, GROWNBITCHZ, UnholyFire & everyone else here at AFN.
This ride should be smoother than the last one but you never know what could happen!

Since I am now growing these out instead of killing them I have to be a little bit gentle, Stunted needs to harvest some smokable plants too remember...
Onward we go....
31 Jan 2013
Day 37
I had to wait two days for the plants to settle into their new home, now its time to fix the "length" problem....
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Since I do not have the room to make the required bend while it's laying down I will have to make the bend first. It took a few hours to get the bend where it needed to be, you can see in the second pic (below) the top has bent back toward the light...
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Then slowly lay the bitch down....and....winah!
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Finished for the day
View attachment 174762
Now they fit nicely in my cabinet
One more update and this thread will be up to date, then I will only update once a week because I want to browse and post in other peoples grows and not just my own!
Live long and stay stoned my AFN friends,
Stunted Thinking