Indoor Stick's OD 2017 Grows,Testing, & Such.

OMG what a line up...

I think this might be the ultimate medicin for my sisters husband .. (rapidly devopling MS) ...

I looking for a stain high in THC and CBD ... 2:1 ratio ...

i think u might have it :worship:
The Z6/Eirdbei I used in this years crosses are more like 2:1. I will post some pics of them in a few hours. I did make a few S1 from this geno/pheno. We will try to get some help for your sister's husband.

honestly i have a thousand words to put here but the best way to get my point across is this.....


You are waaaaaaaaay too kind my dear friend. All i do is throw some seeds in dirt, add water and let the sun shine on them. Well I may do a little more, but not much.
Holy Smoke! You need help to smoke all that! :baked:
Thinking I might end up with a gram or two this year. You can come and help with the harvest though, and might give you a joint or so LOL.

Yes, a LOT of seeds, a LOT of dirt, a LOT of water and an awful LOT of sunshine. !! :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:
In a nice BIG green tent ... several no doubt.

Sigh. :bow:
The last two weeks we have been getting an abundance of sunshine and heat. Twas just out checking on and watering some of the girls, and temp inside was 115 F. with, I know you don't want to hear this but a whopping 16 % RH. In my main indoor grow spaces different story on RH. In the cab where I am finishing up my current MOB run was 70% RH. Had to cut some mold off of a couple of buds on one. This pheno is out for OD xes. Many more to choose from though.

:hothot: Bloody heat wave! the size of that high pressure system is ridic'- :cuss:.. killing heat in some places! 127F in Death Valley:fire:.... Your girls seem to handling it with aplomb- :thumbsup:- especially that low RH! :yoinks: Holy crap, I can't believe you don't have mass symptoms across the board! :wiz:

:woody: I got poly-wood! :rofl: ... this crop is looking stellar my friend! --- hey, is that CindyMoB a tri-top? ... PEZ, named for her aroma? :eyebrows: --- fine work on that re-veg'ed plant Stick! ..... Z6's sexy booshes,... Yup, that House is Phat! :pimp: :bow: :spels:

:eek1: OOO, where the hell did those MoB reg's come from?! I know some folks that would be keenly interested in them! @Rebel @Eekman

:baked: :sleeping:....
:hothot: Bloody heat wave! the size of that high pressure system is ridic'- :cuss:.. killing heat in some places! 127F in Death Valley:fire:.... Your girls seem to handling it with aplomb- :thumbsup:- especially that low RH! :yoinks: Holy crap, I can't believe you don't have mass symptoms across the board! :wiz:

:woody: I got poly-wood! :rofl: ... this crop is looking stellar my friend! --- hey, is that CindyMoB a tri-top? ... PEZ, named for her aroma? :eyebrows: --- fine work on that re-veg'ed plant Stick! ..... Z6's sexy booshes,... Yup, that House is Phat! :pimp: :bow: :spels:

:eek1: OOO, where the hell did those MoB reg's come from?! I know some folks that would be keenly interested in them! @Rebel @Eekman

:baked: :sleeping:....

Do what now?! How is that even possible?!
Your girls seem to handling it with aplomb- :thumbsup:- especially that low RH! :yoinks: Holy crap, I can't believe you don't have mass symptoms across the board! :wiz:

:woody: I got poly-wood! :rofl: ... this crop is looking stellar my friend! --- hey, is that CindyMoB a tri-top? ... PEZ, named for her aroma? :eyebrows: --- fine work on that re-veg'ed plant Stick! ..... Z6's sexy booshes,... Yup, that House is Phat! :pimp: :bow: :spels:

:eek1: OOO, where the hell did those MoB reg's come from?! I know some folks that would be keenly interested in them! @Rebel @Eekman

:baked: :sleeping:....

Yes, it is a whole different story growing in high temps indoors that outdoors, even with the extremely low RH % we are having OD right now. Couple of years ago, had a tent full of autos in the summer, with much higher RH. Somewhat lower temps, and all auto strains experienced severe lock out. As you can see, no real def. happening with the GH gals/

No tri top on the MOB99 just topped several times. Trying to keep plants lower profile this year,as we are already getting LEO choppers flying everyday. I live a a truly heavily wooded area, and know that there are some real grows that they are looking for already. I'm not too worried, with my little med crop, but don't need to advertise openly either.Actually not sure where the name PEZ originates from. Great land race x though, that will finish for me here.

Do what now?! How is that even possible?!
Well bob_b took over the MOB line from Cres, and is in the middle of making them fully auto using F99auto. He decided to cash in by calling these F2s MOB regs which is not accurate as we know, but it is what it is coming from bob. I should not have said that they are MOB regs, even though that is what he is selling them as. Sorry for any confusion and perpetuating the false hood in advertising.Here is the info and link to them from AutoBeanStalk
Product Code: HRS-MOB
Breeder: HighRise Seeds
Strain: M.O.B
Type: Photo-Sensitive
Lineage: Photo M.O.B Male Auto M.O.B x Photo M.O.B x Photo M.O.B BX2 ....
Flowering Time:
8 Weeks
Sex: Regular

Hope that somewhat clears up the confusion. And as we see there is NO SUCH critter as pure MOB regs as advertised. Sorry again on my part.

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@StickMan you asked earlier in this thread about my HR genetics. I had some Fire99 and the 20 free auto seeds from an open pollination. Sadly, I got busted and lost all but 1 I had growing they didn't get. I believe it was the Hand Grenade Diesel from other descriptions I've read. It was seeded, but I never used the seed because they were so small. You first start growing, you want to grow as big a plant as possible most times! :biggrin: Here's a pic. This was the entire plant! :headbang:
