Indoor Stick's OD 2017 Grows,Testing, & Such.

..quick question guys: My client had an extra bag of that KindSoil stored away I didn't know about... sealed, gone anaerobic likely, and now it reeks of ammonia! I tried reviving it by wetting down, utrning in the Sun to get the ammonia to gas off,.. more reg. soil added, some inoculant,.. days later, it still has stank,.. low acidity too, weirdly, unless the ammonium is shiftng to ammonia + H+,...?
hate to waste, even this swill!... Should I just toss it? green gods know what other bad direction chemistry has happened while it stewed airlessly,...:doh:
So glad you could join us here my friend. Man we have come a long ways in the last five years haven't we?
Thought i would throw up a couple of pictures of that first year growing all HighRise gear, who I found Cres/Krk and Lavs' genetics here at AFN. I know that @FullDuplex and others have not seen them, since the HR sub-forum was deleted.

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Tallest girls were Paki x Mighty Durban. On a side note, just received a pack of Mighty Durban F2s that Lav gifted me yesterday to play with.
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I will load some pics of the GH with bent frame and pics of strains and genotypes I have going in there now later. (hopefully today).

Here is a list of what I have in there as of now. Still have some semi-autos waiting to sex out, and some autos in da tents. I will also detail what the genetic make up is then.

These first ones are clones from cuts I got from a friend of mine who lives on the other side of the state.
CBG White Fire a.k.a. WiFi x 1
Gravity x MS5 (some interesting genetics in this one) x 1
Z6 (pure CBD geno) x 3
Pez x 1
_______________________________________________________________________Other folks gear.
Mob x C99a x1
Oracle x Charlotte's Web x 2
Cheemo x 4 (these autoed so all but one will get binned)
Viking x 1
Winter of 2016 I crossed the Z6 pure CBD geno with a Swiss strain named Eirdbei. I grew out 5 plants last year, and used the geno that ticked off all the boxes I was looking for including being CBD rich. I reversed P#5 and dusted some nice cut of the following mothers. Eirdbei has an incredible poly Indica background, which again I will list later. (short on time right now, but wanted to get this off).
I always like to run at least two females to see what pops up, as they are typically different as anyone reading this knows in the first F lines.

(AOF/Royal Dane) x Z6/Eirdbei x 3
(Ulduz/Royal Dane) x Z6/Eirdbei x2

Came across a very nice and frosty AOF x Royal Dane mother for the above mentioned cross, so decided to reveg her and throw her in the GH.

Black Domina/Red Poison auto x CBD Haze XXL auto x 2

WJs are in my veggie garden as well as Blood Dragon. Hope to repro the Blood Dragons, as well as pollinated the WJs with the BD dust.

Alf#5 P2s are in my veg tent indoors, as well as some of the OD photos I am waiting on sex.

Ok, will write more later and respond to all of you other fine people in a few hours, and hope to get some recent pics up. Need to go help Mama. She is not doing well at all again.

Thanks SO much for being here my friends, means the world to me.




My god the jealousy over here man. Outstanding job, id love to do a GH grow one day.

They look amazing as i figured that they would cant wait to see all that goodness that you posted.
..quick question guys: My client had an extra bag of that KindSoil stored away I didn't know about... sealed, gone anaerobic likely, and now it reeks of ammonia! I tried reviving it by wetting down, utrning in the Sun to get the ammonia to gas off,.. more reg. soil added, some inoculant,.. days later, it still has stank,.. low acidity too, weirdly, unless the ammonium is shiftng to ammonia + H+,...?
hate to waste, even this swill!... Should I just toss it? green gods know what other bad direction chemistry has happened while it stewed airlessly,...:doh:
It may be toast, ammonia is a bitch to get rid of. Its almost as invasive as black mold and just as hard to get rid of. If you did all of that to it and it still has a stank it may not go away. Bleach is about the only thing that i know will stop it in its tracks but youll kill everything in the soil.

Might try some peroxide, that is the last thing that i would recommend. BUT be careful and im sure you know that itll kill living soil too if its mixed wrong.
Thanks for stopping by my brother. Don't make yourself scarce in these parts.
Glad to see another greenhouse grower on here stickman,really love the greenhouse style of growing,really helps here in the northwest .Still come into contact with problems related to rain and humidity but overall the quality is definitely nice .I noticed dad was running the harle Tzu this year,I enjoy the cbds an the always share ,hoping for some northwest monsters bigger then a big sasquatch but man I'm at the mercy of the weather.
The last two years I have been growing out in the open, but since WA state lowered the plant count down to just 4 plants for med patients. I did not even renew my MMJ script since it is now $200. So, like so many others I am now growing illegal, and thought better to at least grow most of the plants in the GH. For me, it would be too boring too just grow 4 strains. Hope you grow some monsters this year.
Indeed he does have a little bit of the ALF and WJ in there to be exact :pass: i cant wait to see what they do in a green house. My lines are spoiled, they get optimum environment and never have to worry about bugs...

Yeah man were over the low temps but we had cold evenings. Enough to cut the AC off in the house. But those days are gone now, seems that they have moved on and now i face super dry climate and watching the water in my garden evaporate and the ground crack. My biggest issues in my OD garden is the clay in the soil. Makes a bitch to amend but peat helped that out a little bit along with sand and 300 liters of perlite.

:crying::crying: im dying at the eye himping, i cant help it mate, i see something i want i give it some love. Right now the young ones in my tent that just hit sex, are beautiful but no IBL pollen as the male was shitty....really ....really....shitty. However the smell on them at sex is heavenly. Both share a rotten funk right now, should be interesting to see how they mature.

The trip was splendid mate, i was in the SE part of my state and we have trout streams ALL over the place. So i went to a few of my favs, hit one friday evening, my fav stream sat morning and then another hidden treasure on the way out. Caught a few trout and given the weather and stream temps the small mouth were active too. So i caught my fair share of those as well. Just all around great weekend.
The WJs are in the veggie garden my brother, and the Alfs are still in one of my tents. Please don't expect much from your genetics in my hands growing them OD, even in the GH. I have not had much success with growing autos of any size OD, but I have yet to grow any with the XXL blood in them (what ever that is LOL ) Ask @Waira, he will tell you, as we have discussed this in past years. I haven't done any supplemental lighting with them, which would help. I believe Waira has, is that correct?

Lets trade some clay for very sandy loam. My soil dries out so fast, even after years of amending it. I need to start doing some mulching around the veggie garden plants soon.

Sorry that you ended up with a shitty male for your next F line. I'm hoping for at least one decent male for the Blood Dragon repro that I am attempting to do.
OD. Again, so glad that you had such an awesome time fishing last weekend. You needed it.

..quick question guys: My client had an extra bag of that KindSoil stored away I didn't know about... sealed, gone anaerobic likely, and now it reeks of ammonia! I tried reviving it by wetting down, utrning in the Sun to get the ammonia to gas off,.. more reg. soil added, some inoculant,.. days later, it still has stank,.. low acidity too, weirdly, unless the ammonium is shiftng to ammonia + H+,...?
hate to waste, even this swill!... Should I just toss it? green gods know what other bad direction chemistry has happened while it stewed airlessly,...:doh:
It may be toast, ammonia is a bitch to get rid of. Its almost as invasive as black mold and just as hard to get rid of. If you did all of that to it and it still has a stank it may not go away. Bleach is about the only thing that i know will stop it in its tracks but youll kill everything in the soil.

Might try some peroxide, that is the last thing that i would recommend. BUT be careful and im sure you know that itll kill living soil too if its mixed wrong.
I fully agree with FD, I would just shit can it. Not worth the risk at all my friend.
I am dying to see you use the same training i use sometime!!
Yea, that was my plan this year my friend, but my lumbar back surgery done last year failed, and I don't even think I could endure the pain being on my back crawling around under the plants. I do so hope to use your very successful techniques in the future though.

My god the jealousy over here man. Outstanding job, id love to do a GH grow one day.

They look amazing as i figured that they would cant wait to see all that goodness that you posted.
Thank you my friend, you are way too kind. Great genetics and great teachers, with pure luck on my part with the pictures I just posted. Let's just see how they do this year.

@Bud Wiser UK Feel free to join in our conversations here my friend, your knowledge and British humor are more than welcome in here.

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Thanks for stopping by my brother. Don't make yourself scarce in these parts.

The last two years I have been growing out in the open, but since WA state lowered the plant count down to just 4 plants for med patients. I did not even renew my MMJ script since it is now $200. So, like so many others I am now growing illegal, and thought better to at least grow most of the plants in the GH. For me, it would be too boring too just grow 4 strains. Hope you grow some monsters this year.

The WJs are in the veggie garden my brother, and the Alfs are still in one of my tents. Please don't expect much from your genetics in my hands growing them OD, even in the GH. I have not had much success with growing autos of any size OD, but I have yet to grow any with the XXL blood in them (what ever that is LOL ) Ask @Waira, he will tell you, as we have discussed this in past years. I haven't done any supplemental lighting with them, which would help. I believe Waira has, is that correct?

Lets trade some clay for very sandy loam. My soil dries out so fast, even after years of amending it. I need to start doing some mulching around the veggie garden plants soon.

Sorry that you ended up with a shitty male for your next F line. I'm hoping for at least one decent male for the Blood Dragon repro that I am attempting to do.
OD. Again, so glad that you had such an awesome time fishing last weekend. You needed it.

Yep here ya on that I'm a med patient as well but laws in Oregon and medical marijuana are slightly better we got a cool governor who willing to fight the feds to protect our rights not every states so lucky ,I'm thinkin this years crop will produce at least 10 ft tall indica dominate plants,should be nice to see the 2 different phenos of skelly og grow at it ,but the mephisto photo white face off ogs will be spectacular as well ,got a Dinafem blue kush an a og 13 to ,the bk last year was nice and sativa dominate,but this year's looks more indica really excited about that.
Sorry for the poor pic, but here is my first male!

Unknown genetics from HighRise freebies. Was supposed to be an open pollination of several strains. I stunted him early with too hot soil and didn't want to waste soil with a bigger pot. Anyw ho, hope I will have a little pollen to ckunk this year. :peace:
Yep here ya on that I'm a med patient as well but laws in Oregon and medical marijuana are slightly better we got a cool governor who willing to fight the feds to protect our rights not every states so lucky ,I'm thinkin this years crop will produce at least 10 ft tall indica dominate plants,should be nice to see the 2 different phenos of skelly og grow at it ,but the mephisto photo white face off ogs will be spectacular as well ,got a Dinafem blue kush an a og 13 to ,the bk last year was nice and sativa dominate,but this year's looks more indica really excited about that.
Looking way forward to seeing these trees brother. Such nice genetics.
Sorry for the poor pic, but here is my first male!
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Unknown genetics from HighRise freebies. Was supposed to be an open pollination of several strains. I stunted him early with too hot soil and didn't want to waste soil with a bigger pot. Anyw ho, hope I will have a little pollen to ckunk this year. :peace:
Looks nice and Indica dominate my friend. Bet you are excited.
Were these from HighRise's auto diesal mix. If so, you will have some real jems in there. I think cres/krk used a Black Dragon in that mix. I still have a half a pack or so in the vault. I know that cres/krk also had and OD mix as well, I just assumed that it was photos, but he may have thrown some of this auto mix in there as well. Thanks for sharing.
Looking way forward to seeing these trees brother. Such nice genetics.

Looks nice and Indica dominate my friend. Bet you are excited.
Were these from HighRise's auto diesal mix. If so, you will have some real jems in there. I think cres/krk used a Black Dragon in that mix. I still have a half a pack or so in the vault. I know that cres/krk also had and OD mix as well, I just assumed that it was photos, but he may have thrown some of this auto mix in there as well. Thanks for sharing.
I got them shortly after I joined AFN along with some Fire99s, if that helps time wise? It seems like there was a conversation with someone here about the possibility of some Ghaze99 and maybe Ghaze x Diesel being part of the open pollination. Not sure about the latter, but regardless I AM really excited about having pollen to play with! I like indica the best for the narcotic effect and shorter growing time outdoors (for photos), so I got what I wanted and a little color would be too sweet! Anywho, I hate that Cres/Krk is leaving the biz side, but I wish him nothing but the best!:peace: