Indoor Stick's OD 2017 Grows,Testing, & Such.

I got them shortly after I joined AFN along with some Fire99s, if that helps time wise? It seems like there was a conversation with someone here about the possibility of some Ghaze99 and maybe Ghaze x Diesel being part of the open pollination. Not sure about the latter, but regardless I AM really excited about having pollen to play with! I like indica the best for the narcotic effect and shorter growing time outdoors (for photos), so I got what I wanted and a little color would be too sweet! Anywho, I hate that Cres/Krk is leaving the biz side, but I wish him nothing but the best!:peace:
Yes, these indeed do have some Ghaze99 and Ghaze x Diesel in the mix, great fast strains.
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The WJs are in the veggie garden my brother, and the Alfs are still in one of my tents. Please don't expect much from your genetics in my hands growing them OD, even in the GH. I have not had much success with growing autos of any size OD, but I have yet to grow any with the XXL blood in them (what ever that is LOL ) Ask @Waira, he will tell you, as we have discussed this in past years. I haven't done any supplemental lighting with them, which would help. I believe Waira has, is that correct?

Hell i have no fear man, i really dont. Anything that is produced makes me happy. As long as they make it from seed to weed im good. just hope that they bring you the joy that they do me. Thats all i really want and maybe, just maybe put a little color in your garden. Ive never grown in anything over 2.5 gal and they were multi pot. Ive grown photos in 3 gal but that is about it. Given the size that i am seeing in .5 gal something in the dirt should do well.

Lets trade some clay for very sandy loam. My soil dries out so fast, even after years of amending it. I need to start doing some mulching around the veggie garden plants soon.

Id be glad to get rid of some of it, the bad part is that with the clay here and the high heat it dries out probably just as fast but the mix might be key. I just wish i had the soil i had at my old house. 10 ft corn stalks was easy..

Sorry that you ended up with a shitty male for your next F line. I'm hoping for at least one decent male for the Blood Dragon repro that I am attempting to do.
OD. Again, so glad that you had such an awesome time fishing last weekend. You needed it.

It happens honestly, and i if i had cracked more i bet i would have seen a better selection, was a germ test turn grow because i cant kill a seedling..Karma sent for a blood male, they carry some nice traits from the affy line, the reds, purples, and blacks have a higher ratio of indica in them than anything. That has been my experience.

Thank you my friend, you are way too kind. Great genetics and great teachers, with pure luck on my part with the pictures I just posted. Let's just see how they do this year.

Just honest mate, i agree good genetics help but it takes a skilled hand to know what to do with them. A skilled grower can really bring out their full potential and from what ive seen, you do that.
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Finally an update on me GH gals. These were taken on July 4th. Been exceedingly hot here, and looks like the girls have grown a bunch in just 1 1/2 days since these pictures were taken
Ok, some pictures finally.

High in CBG WiFi


PEZ (Afgani x Pakistan land race cross)

I have a larger one, but forgot to take a picture two days ago. It is over 100 F. in the GH today, so I will wait.


MOB x C99auto


Only ended up with one female, but have plenty of pollen to hit her and some of the other girls, including a purple MOB.

Oracle x Charlotte's Web


Oracle x Charlotte's Web


PCK x Erpurt
This little gal has not been in the GH for very long, but is finally starting to take off (somewhat)


AOF/ Royal Dane x Z6/Eirdbei

I have several of these growing. The AOF x Royal Dane Bubble Hash I made last year from this strain is the best hash I have made or had in years, and plan on making lots of it from this grow. Also hoping enough CBD comes through from the Z6 to help with inflammation.

This first gal, was up-potted into a 10 gallon plastic container the night this picture was taken. She did not miss a beat with the TP.



AOF x Royal Dane
This geno/pheno was the mom to the above strains. It was so frosty and potent, that I decided to re-veg her. So here she is.


Ulduz/RD x Z6/Eirdbei


Found an auto pheno of this strain, and had just harvested some Viking pollen so hit her with it. She is in the veggie garden along with some WJs. The girl on the left was just transplanted from the veggie garden into the container. Will see how she does in the next couple of weeks, might cull her.

Mighty 47
(Mighty Mite x AK 47 auto) A true stabilized semi-auto.
Very Indica Dominate strain. I have two more that have just sexed. One male and one female. Think I will reverse the other female and make some fems, but will still harvest the pollen from the male. Never know what I might hit with it.


SK#1 x Guerilla Gold [HASHTAG]#3[/HASHTAG]

I transplanted one more the night these were taken. Also have two more females that just showed and have only one male. Am plan on doing an OP repro, so since I only ended up with one male, I will reverse the two remaining females and make lots of fems. This strain is one of the first strains I grew, and are not being made any more, so I want to preserve this line. Will also make some xes.

Looks like I reached my picture limit, so will post a couple of group shots in the next post.

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Finally an update on me GH gals. These were taken on July 4th. Been exceedingly hot here, and looks like the girls have grown a bunch in just 1 1/2 days since these pictures were taken
Ok, some pictures finally.

High in CBG WiFi

View attachment 776334

PEZ (Afgani x Pakistan land race cross)

I have a larger one, but forgot to take a picture two days ago. It is over 100 F. in the GH today, so I will wait.

View attachment 776341

MOB x C99auto

View attachment 776342

Only ended up with one female, but have plenty of pollen to hit her and some of the other girls, including a purple MOB.
View attachment 776347

Oracle x Charlotte's Web
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Oracle x Charlotte's Web

View attachment 776350

PCK x Erpurt
This little gal has not been in the GH for very long, but is finally starting to take off (somewhat)

View attachment 776351

AOF/ Royal Dane x Z6/Eirdbei
I have several of these growing. The AOF x Royal Dane Bubble Hash I made last year from this strain is the best hash I have made or had in years, and plan on making lots of it from this grow. Also hopping enough CBD comes through from the Z6 to help with inflammation.

This first gal, was up-potted into a 10 gallon plastic container the night this picture was taken. She did not miss a beat with the TP.
View attachment 776357
Looking good @StickMan MOB x C99 2 of my all time favorites You can't find MOB anymore and I hoped that cres would do a release of the c99 auto, but I guess it just wasn't to be. :cooldance:
Z6 (tested pure CBD geno/pheno)
Two of four plants in the GH. Plan on reversing one, to make S1s and hitting lots of other gear with the fem pollen.

Here are a couple of group shots. Also have some Mighty Mites ready to show sex any day. These will be breeding plants. Also have a couple of autos in there, and the next update will include some pictures of @FullDuplex's Alf [HASHTAG]#5s[/HASHTAG] in there.


The strange looking strain on the right is an Oregon Spring tomato plant. I wanted to keep it separated from my garden, so I could collect pure seeds. Best tomato strain I have grown for my climate, and I have grown over 50 different strains.


Thanks for looking my friends.

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AOF/ Royal Dane x Z6/Eirdbei
I have several of these growing. The AOF x Royal Dane Bubble Hash I made last year from this strain is the best hash I have made or had in years, and plan on making lots of it from this grow. Also hopping enough CBD comes through from the Z6 to help with inflammation.

This first gal, was up-potted into a 10 gallon plastic container the night this picture was taken. She did not miss a beat with the TP.

OMG what a line up...

I think this might be the ultimate medicin for my sisters husband .. (rapidly devopling MS) ...

I looking for a stain high in THC and CBD ... 2:1 ratio ...

i think u might have it :worship: