Extraction Stem Oil Extraction using 192 Proof Food Grade Vodka, 151 Proof Everclear, & 91% ISO


AFN Global Moderator
Cultivators Club
May 26, 2011
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I wanted to share my method of extracting stem oil because most of us just toss the stems and this is a fantastic method of getting the trichs off the stems. The trichs on the stems tend to be more mature, thus producing a more sedative effect which is great for sleep meds and for topical application. I got some great info off this site...


However, the site isn't actively maintained from what I can see. As I posted a few questions months back to no reply. So that lead me to come up with my own method and I've done it twice so far with great results!

What you will need:

- 2 Large Mason Jars or Any large Jar with a Lid
- As many stems as you care to run, cut into 1 - 2 inches in length or any length that won't get stuck in your jar.
- Cheese Cloth or Panty Hose (I use the latter). I cut the feet off the panty hose, about 4-6 inches long, so that they will slip over top of the jar.
- 2 Wire mesh strainers ( you can also use a coffee filter between them if you want to.)
- 192 Proof Food Grade Vodka or as close as you can get to it. 190 Proof Everclear will do. Any Grain Alcohol that is close to 190 proof. 151 Everclear will also do. I wouldn't go any lower than that.
- Rice Cooker (it's the only thing I've found safe enough to cook the alcohol off with.)
- Silicon Jar or Syringe and a Silicon Spatula

- Parchment paper... Use it to line the bottom of the rice cooker. Much easier to get the oil out

Now we are going to take the stems and fill the one jar about 1/3 or 1/2 full, depending on how much Vodka you want to use at one time as it's expensive so it's entirely up to you... Really you can even do a very small amount as well, if that suits your needs. There's no exact amount as you can do as much or as less as you want. Just keep in mind the more alcohol you use the longer it will take to cook off. Personally I do the 1/3 amount. So after you put your stems in the jar pour the Vodka in to just the top of the stems. You don't have to cover them completely but you can if you like... I'm just explaining how I do it personally...

Cap off the jar real good and slosh it around, tumble it, etc... for about 30 seconds. Then I take the cap off the jar, slip the panty hose over top. Take the Jar #2 and place my two wire strainers on top of each other and place them over Jar #2. Now take Jar #1 and pour the Vodka thru the panty hose, thru the two strainers into Jar #2. Leave that there while you remove the panty hose and dump those stems. I dump them into a big bowl. Make sure there are no remaining stems or debris. Refill the jar with stems and once you are ready take the vodka from the Jar #2 and pour that back into Jar #1 with the stems. You are going to repeat the process you just did. I do that about 15-30 times depending on how crazy I want to get. I wouldn't do it any less than 15 times. You basically want that clear Vodka to get as dark green as you can get it before we cook off the alcohol. Now, once you have finished your passes with the stems you want to set up your rice cooker.


I run an extension cord from my outside outlet to a table I have the rice cooker set up on, a safe distance away from the house and away from anything flammable. Use common sense! Plug in the rice cooker, line the pan with a piece of parchment paper, then take the Vodka you just used with the stems and pour it into the rice cooker pan. DO NOT COVER!!! You want the alcohol to cook off in an open air, open area. Depending on the amount of Vodka you used it can take anywhere from 15 mins to an hour to cook off. It is OK if it gets to a soft boil. I use this as a reference from chemistry.com...The boiling point of ethanol or grain alcohol (C2H5OH) at atmospheric pressure (14.7 psia, 1 bar absolute) is 173.1°F (78.37°C). With that in mind don't use anything that will boil it above this temperature or you will have disasterous results. That's why I only use a rice cooker. Be careful when you do this as to not breathe in too many fumes. This is why we are doing it outside. When the alcohol is cooked completely off you will not taste anything. You will know if you didn't cook it off enough if you smoke it and it burns your throat. Make sure you cook it off completely. Take all the time you need to do this. Don't rush it.

Once the alcohol is good and boiled off you will see a black resin type oil left. This is your stem oil. Getting the oil out is a bit tricky but I've found success with parchment paper as Hal suggested. It comes right off the parchment paper with anything.. Just scrape it off and roll it in a ball or whatever you like. Now you can either smoke it, vape it, ingest it, or use it as a topical. Dosing depends on tolerance but go slowly at first. It is very sedative! Couch lock, vegged out, etc... great for night time meds and pain killing. If you are making this for someone who doesn't smoke give them a little dab under the tongue to start and adjust dosage accordingly...

This is just one way I came up with. Certainly it can be done differently. Whatever way you do it make sure you do it safely!

Be safe, be smart, and stay medicated!

EDITED: Pictures!! 11-8-15

Here is the stem wash after I washed a boat load of stems lol I don't know exactly how much but it was a LOT. I started with 1 pint of 91% ISO (this run) and filled my big mason jar with about 1 cup of stems each time and then put the ISO in the jar, which was about 2 cups. I repeated this about 20 times or more. Don't remember lol and this is what the ISO looked like just before I cooked it off...

Here's the parchment paper placed into the rice cooker pan...

Stem Wash before the cooking begins...

Here's the Stem Oil as soon as the ISO cooked off. Took exactly 20 mins.

I placed it in the freezer for about a minute so it wouldn't be so gooey and stick to my fingers...

Stem Oil Ball ready to be fired in the bowl!

Smokes just like gooey hash!
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I can not wait to try this. Will probable use an electric slow cooker I have around. Such a good idea and so well explained.
You are welcome. Rebel, have you considered using a round of parchment paper or silpat nonstick silicone baking mat in the bottom of the rice cooker to let everything gather on top of it as it reduces? I will be trying it when I do it later.
Genius!! Never thought of parchment paper! So I should just lay parchment paper on the bottom while cooking off? It won't catch fire?
Thanks for the rep points. It should not burn it is safe to 375 F. I will upload step by step instructions on how to cut a perfect bakers round.