Dinafem SteelWool's first grow - Dinafem Blue Cheese Auto

Is this the type of product you mentioned?

: POTASSIUM PHOSPHATE MONOBASIC, Biotechnology Grade. Min. 99.5%
That would be it. You do not have to use bloom booster additive, if you are using a bloom base nutrient, to get excellent bud. I only make the recommendation to push them even further. If you do get the monopotassium phosphate, seriously no more than 1/8-1/4 teaspoon per gallon. It is super strong stuff. I also recommend it because it does not bother other nutrients you use. It is a very clean and stable chemical.
That would be it. You do not have to use bloom booster additive, if you are using a bloom base nutrient, to get excellent bud. I only make the recommendation to push them even further. If you do get the monopotassium phosphate, seriously no more than 1/8-1/4 teaspoon per gallon. It is super strong stuff. I also recommend it because it does not bother other nutrients you use. It is a very clean and stable chemical.
Niiiicccceeee. Ok imma order it. Thanks for the tip. I will keep you updated.

So should i give it together with the bloom nute of biobizz? How should i keep the strength of that? im now just puting 1ml per liter. I am going to up it to 2 ml/lt next week

And another question ,can it give nute burns?
If you want to stay organic, I would recommend a Tablespoon of blackstrap molasses per gallon of water. It has lots of iron, sulfur, and calcium the plants appreciate. It is also good at keeping everything available to the plant, and makes the other fertilizer more effective. They are called chelates, it is Latin for claw. Those are acidic elements with the correct charge to be taken up by the plants roots. They have a claw shape under a microscope. The wrong charge and the plant can not use them, that is lock out.
I would keep using the bio the same as you are, just add the monopotassium phosphate. Yes it can burn like crazy, if used improperly. That is why I say no more than 1/4 teaspoon per gallon. A little goes a long ways. I would start using it half way through bloom to the end. Nurseries and farmers use the stuff extensively, so I figured you could find it pretty much any where on Earth. Most of the best bloom boosters use it as the main ingredient, or at least in some part.
I look forward to hear from you. That is why I am on this site. To teach others to grow better herb.
Day 48

Ok so i had to be out of home for the last week and asked the missis to give the plant her water when she was dry again.

That was day 47, she gave 4.5 lt of clean water.

Ofcourse the murphy law kicked in but, yesterday the electriciry was gone for 12 hours.

So today im back, and it looks like the plant got alot more yellow leaves.

Is it time for the cal mag guys?

if so should i wait till she dry again? Or give her a feed of nutes plus calmeg asap?

The nuggets are thickening up though, even some hairs are turning brown [emoji13]

Here are some updated pics




